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Title: | 社會支持團體介入方案之研究-以喪偶老年婦女為例 Research on Social Support Group Intervention Program among Widowed Elders |
Authors: | 施孟儀 Shih, Meng-Yi |
Contributors: | 呂寶靜 Lu, Pau Ching 施孟儀 Shih, Meng-Yi |
Keywords: | 社會支持團體 介入方案 喪偶老年婦女 social support group intervention program widowed elders |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-05-01 11:45:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在高齡化社會中,男女的預期壽命延長且婚姻年齡往往男長於女,致女性寡居比例高於男性鰥居,突顯出喪偶老年婦女的心理福祉議題愈形重要。近年來,甚少研究以團體工作探究喪偶老年婦女的生命經驗,絕大多數均著重在悲傷輔導和悲傷適應與適應策略,忽略團體成員的互動能夠減輕個體內心壓力及憂慮,進而增進自助互助的能力。爰此,本研究設計並實施「社會支持團體」介入方案,藉此瞭解團體成員間的互動過程及情感依附,並思考如何使社會支持團體有「延續」的功效。
研究採用質性取向的團體過程記錄為主要研究方法,以喪偶老年婦女為研究對象,進行10次介入活動,每週一次約二小時的聚會,設計八項團體內容,讓成員述說與傾聽,並檢視成員對偶離逝經驗的詮釋。另外,輔以抑鬱程度、生活滿意度和寂寞感程度量表,針對16名長者施予前-後測(實驗組與控制組各8位),探究介入方案對喪偶老年婦女的影響。主要研究結果如下: 1、團體規劃到執行是一連串的過程,包括團體目的制訂、成員招募、以及 成 員最終的決定為何,其中除了生理、心理、社會支持層面之外,天時、 地利、人和要件的具備,才足以讓響長者走出家門、參與各式活動。 2、團體執行方面,研究分析顯示團體介入可降低參與老人的抑鬱程度並提高 其生活滿意度,但對於減少寂寞感成效則未具有顯著性。另,團體成員對 參加團體感受相當正向,都認為每週聚會是一段歡愉的時光,此係因有共 同生命經驗者的作伴與講話,而團體過程中的引導物可謂相互溝通與分享 的關鍵要素。 3、團體成員談論配偶離逝多數感到美好與充滿回憶,同時配偶離逝亦是她們 得以突破既有生活型態的關鍵,她們能夠再學習、擔任志工、追尋夢想、 參與活動走入人群當中。綜合而論,喪偶老年婦女從新生活中、學習與成 長,展現出正向且積極的生活態度,甚而建構出新的人際與資源網絡。 最後,依據研究結果提出建議並提供社會工作者規劃喪偶老年婦女的社會支持團體介入方案之參考。 In an aging society, human’s life is expected longer, and in general husbands are older than wives, which result in widows out of proportion to widowers. Therefore, the well-being of widowed elders becomes an important issue. However, there is little research on life experience of widowed elders by group practice in recent years. Most researches emphasize on the grief counseling, bereavement adjustment and adoptive strategies. On the other hand, the relevant researches always ignore that group members’ interaction can reduce stresses and depression, and then might improve their own potentials of self help. According to this concept, this study designs and practice a “social support group” intervention program, which aims to analyze the process of their interaction and the emotion attachment between the participants and figure out the possible methods to prolong the effects of social support. The group intervention program was organized into ten sessions, and it was designed as a 2-hour group session weekly, and each session with one theme. Within the themes, all participants shared, listened, and examined their own interpretation of the experiences about losing spouse. Besides, this study also analyses by pre-post test, including Depression Scale, life satisfaction Index-A, and Loneliness Scale, which is controlled by quasi-experimental design. Sixteen widowed elders were divided into two groups—social support group or control group. The study findings are listed below:
1.Group design and practice is a series of process, which includes goals formulating, member recruiting, and final decision. In the process, in addition to the diverse support dimension in physiology, psychology, and society, the researcher find out that the appropriate place, time and partners would be the crucial factors as well to encourage elders to go out and to participate activities. 2.In the practice of social support group, the researcher analyses it by paired tests and the result suggests that the social support group intervention program could reduce the symptoms of depression and increase life satisfaction of members, but it could not reduce the sense of loneliness in the same time. Generally, all participants evaluated their participation experience positively and regarded it as an enjoyment of spending time together through sharing experience. The feelings might be derived from the accompanying and the discussion with the people which have the similar experiences, and the guide material in the process plays the focal part between communicating and sharing in group. 3.Most widowed elders are fond of and full of memories with their own spouse; in the meanwhile, spouse losing is also a turning point for them to break through the old living Style. After this incident, they may learn again, become volunteers, fulfill their dreams, and participate in social activities. In general, the widowed elders learn to be resourceful, creative, and positive in life, and organize new friendship and social resource network.
At the end, according to the results, this study would provide some implications for social workers who design and implement intervention program for widowed elders. |
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