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    Title: 室內設計公司知識管理系統建置之研究
    A Study of Knowledge Management System Implementation of the Interior Design Industry
    Authors: 李仁
    Lee, Jen
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Lee, Jen
    Keywords: 知識
    Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management System
    Interior Design
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-05-01 11:38:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的是希望透過知識管理系統的建置,讓室內設計產業的內隱知識外顯化,透過設計知識模組化的運用,幫助公司設計創意的積累和活用,達成提高員工工作效率、節省組織相關成本、增加組織營運績效,進而促使室內設計公司得以產生最佳的營運模式,並獲致可觀的營業利益。
    1.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的架構,包括 (1) 設計專業知識庫、(2) 設計案例資料庫、(3) 工程專業知識庫、(4) 工程案例資料庫、(5) 企業管理知識庫等五個主要資料庫。
    2.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的目的,包括 (1) 累積設計創意和傳遞設計知識、(2) 善用設計知識達成創意加值、(3) 提高員工工作效率和累積員工專業職能、(4) 增加設計提案成功率、(5) 節省組織與相關人力成本、(6) 建置並強化人才培訓基礎、(7) 增加組織營運績效與組織營業利益、(8) 擴展公司組織規模並提昇公司競爭力。
    3.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的關鍵因素,包括 (1) 具備領導力的知識工作者、(2) 組織與個人對於「知識管理」的意願和動機、(3) 重視「知識管理」的組織制度、(4) 重視「知識管理」的組織環境、(5) 有利發展「知識管理」的組織結構、(6) 具有清楚及正確的組織知識策略、(7) 重視知識內容的品質管理、(8) 詳盡細緻的管理「知識管理」相關流程、(9) 足夠力量支援「知識管理」的資訊科技、(10) 維運「知識管理系統」所花費資源。
    This study hopes to take tacit knowledge from the interior design industry and organize it into explicit information through the implementation of knowledge management systems. The modularization of design knowledge will facilitate a company’s accumulation and utilization of design creativity, thereby effectively increasing employee efficiency, reducing operational costs, and increasing overall company efficiency. Further, this will help interior design companies to establish an optimal business model, thereby achieving significant business profits.
    This study analyzes data obtained through individual case studies, and gathered information through secondary data collection and in-depth interviews. This study draws the following conclusions:
    1. The knowledge management systems implemented by interior design companies include five major databases for the following types of knowledge: (1) Design expertise; (2) Previous design cases; (3) Engineering expertise; (4) Previous engineering cases; (5) Enterprise management.
    2. The reasons for which interior design companies implement knowledge management systems include: (1) Accumulation of design creativity and to pass on design knowledge; (2) Utilization of design knowledge to create added value to creativity; (3) Increase employee efficiency and enhance employee professionalism and expertise; (4) Increase success rate of design proposals; (5) Reduce costs related to the company and workforce; (6) Establish and bolster the basic skills for further staff training; (7) Boost operational efficiency and business profits; (8) Expand company operations and bolster competitiveness.
    3. There are a number of key factors to the successful implementation of knowledge management systems in interior design companies. These include: (1) Knowledge workers with leadership capability; (2) An organization and individual employees that are willing and motivated to engage in “knowledge management”; (3) An organization structure that emphasizes “knowledge management”; (4) A working environment that emphasizes “knowledge management”; (5) An organization structure conducive to developing “knowledge management”; (6) A clear and consistent set of knowledge strategies for the company; (7) A quality control system that emphasizes knowledge content; (8) Detailed attention to the monitoring of “knowledge management” protocols; (9) Adequate support for the information technology necessary for “knowledge management”; (10) Sufficient resources to maintain the operation of “knowledge management systems”.
    謝辭 I
    摘要 I
    圖目錄 VI
    表目錄 VII
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
    第三節 研究範圍 6
    第四節 研究流程 7
    第二章 文獻探討 10
    第一節 知識管理 10
    第二節 知識管理系統 25
    第三節 室內設計 36
    第三章 研究設計 42
    第一節 研究架構 42
    第二節 研究方法 44
    第三節 訪談設計 48
    第四節 研究限制 51
    第四章 資料分析 53
    第一節 室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的架構 56
    第二節 室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的目的 65
    第三節 室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的關鍵因素 75
    第五章 結論與建議 82
    第一節 研究結論 82
    第二節 研究建議 85
    附錄 訪談逐字稿 88
    參考文獻 119
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