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    Title: 圖書出版業隨需出版策略之個案研究
    A Case Study of Books on Demand Strategy in Book Publishing Industry
    Authors: 徐立軒
    Hsu, Li Hsuan
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Lee, Yi Yu
    Hsu, Li Hsuan
    Keywords: 隨需出版
    Demand publishing
    Publishing industry
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-05-01 11:37:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 書本是推動文明進步不可或缺的一大利器,人們透過書本的知識來提升自己的能力,但現今的社會主要書本來源大多數皆由出版社主導編輯、出版及發行。因此本論文以不同的角度來討論幾個議題:從作者的角度來看,作者會希望可以擺脫出版社的控制並自行出版;出版社對通路的庫存量可以控制數量的需求;讀者可以自行決定閱讀內容,作出屬於自己的一本書。綜合以上的不同角度的出版需求議題,我們稱為隨需出版。



    Books were an indispensable tool in helping the progress of civilization. People enhance their capacity through reading books. Nowadays, the provision of books was most dominated by the Press in terms of editing, publishing and issue. Therefore, this paper adopts different point of views to discuss several important issues. From the author`s perspective, they wish to get rid of the control of the Press and publish on their own. Press, however, control the number of demand on the inventory of the market. Readers, on the other hand, wish to decide to what to read from the books. The comprehensive analysis from different point of view on publishing demand issues is so called “Book on-demand publishing”.
    This thesis analyzes the overall environment of the publishing industry, followed through secondary data collection and interviews from authors, inventory, and customized on-demand publishing. We visited the Show-We information company which took advantages of state of art printing technology in order to reduce the risks as the result from the increase of inventory; from the demand for customized, We visited the Flag publishing company. We understood how they meet the needs of enterprise customers for publishing.
    In addition, we also thought about how to establish a publishing platform on the basis of a single reader’s demand. In other words, the readers publish their own books based on the content they want to read. This thesis proposed the reader-oriented concept of demand publishing. Readers could select the desired content to be codifies in published form. We also propose the potential application of the demand publishing in the context of educational materials.
    In sum, we found that in-depth study in addition to on-demand publishing of reader-oriented and other types of customers-oriented is necessary. Although there is no industry engaged in such work, the need for readers-oriented publishing is rising. In the near future, we believe that our proposal could contribute the demand publishing.
    致謝 I
    摘要 III
    Abstract IV
    目錄 VI
    表目錄 VIII
    圖目錄 IX

    第一章 緒論 1
    1.1 前言 1
    1.2 研究背景 2
    1.3 研究目的 3
    1.4 研究限制 4
    1.5 研究流程 5
    1.6 論文架構 6

    第二章 文獻探討 7
    2.1 出版流程 7
    2.2 客製化程度 10
    2.3 供應鏈管理 11
    2.4 長鞭效應 12
    2.5 PEST/SWOT分析 13
    2.6 五力分析 15
    2.7 知識管理 16
    2.8 雲端運算服務 18

    第三章 研究架構與方法 21
    3.1 研究架構 21
    3.2 研究方法 26

    第四章 總體環境分析 29
    4.1 政治法律 29
    4.2 經濟環境 34
    4.3 社會文化 39
    4.4 科技發展 41

    第五章 個案分析研究 45
    5.1 以作者為導向的隨需出版 45
    5.2 以庫存為導向的隨需出版 48
    5.3 以客製為導向的隨需出版 53
    5.4 以讀者為導向的隨需出版 56
    5.5 小結 61

    第六章 結論及建議 62
    6.1 結論 62
    6.2 建議 63

    參考文獻 65
    附錄一 秀威資訊公司訪談 69
    附錄二 旗訊公司訪談 84
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