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Title: | 台灣非營利組織如何適當使用臉書管道 Analysis of the Communication Characteristics of Nonprofit Organizations’ Facebook Pages in Taiwan |
Authors: | 維克多 Victor Stevenson |
Contributors: | 施琮仁 Shih, Tsung Jen 維克多 Victor Stevenson |
Keywords: | 台灣 非營利組織 新媒體 臉書 Facebook Nonprofit organizations NPO Taiwan New Media Social Networking Sites |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-04-01 14:39:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文主要在探討台灣的非營利組織(Non-profit Organization, NPO)使用Facebook的情形。根據台灣外交部所建檔的非營利組織名冊,找出其中99個非營利組織的Facebook頁面並加以分析其內容,利用這樣的第一手資料,來了解台灣的NPO如何組織和規劃其Facebook平台,來作為一個傳播媒介。 本論文以1998年Kent與Taylor所提出的五大對話原則理論來分析非營利組織使用社群網站的情形,有三點發現:第一,本論文發現,有些非營利組織網站的分類太過細微,有些又太不具代表性;第二,非營利組織在Facebook上的影響力並不大;第三,本論文發現通常組織本身很少在Facebook上與使用者互動,也就是說,它們鮮少回應或是評論其他使用者的貼文和意見,組織成員並不會直接在Facebook上展開對話和溝通。本論文認為NPO使用Facebook並沒有形成一個共通的模式或規模,而是非常隨機的,沒有一個變數能夠真正具有指標意義地用來評價一個NPO粉絲頁面的品質,這大致上可以勾勒出台灣的NPO使用Facebook的情形。 This thesis examines the use of Facebook pages by nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan. The sample for this study was constructed using the official list of Taiwanese NPOs found on the Internet site Taiwan NGO (www.taiwanngo.tw), held by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (TAIWAN). A total of 99 NPOs’ Facebook pages were content analyzed, therefore this thesis used primary data. The theory used to analyze the use of the social networking site by the NPOs was the Five Dialogical Principles of the Internet proposed by Kent and Taylor (1998). Firstly, it was found that some categories of NPOs are over-represented while others are under-represented. Secondly, it was found that very little influences the way NPOs communicate on their Facebook pages. Finally, it was discovered that associations seldom interact with their users, they don not respond or comment on users’ posts or comments; associations typically do not talk directly to their fans. A global image of the use of Facebook pages by NPOs in Taiwan is given. Finally, it was found that NPOs used Facebook pages very randomly. None of the variables seem to dictate the quality of the page. |
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