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Title: | 居於可能性:愛蜜莉.迪金森對居家空間及內部領域的特殊認知 Dwelling in Possibility: Emily Dickinson`s Unique Perception on Domestic Space and Interiority |
Authors: | 梁凱甯 Liang, Kai Ning |
Contributors: | 楊麗敏 Li-min Yang 梁凱甯 Liang, Kai Ning |
Keywords: | 艾蜜莉.迪金森 居家空間 隱居 內部空間 與他者相遇 Emily Dickinson domestic Space reclusion interiority encounter |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-04-01 14:34:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 論文提要內容: 本文主要探討狄金森如何運用獨特的居家空間,及其對於「內部」的概念,建構私人內部空間及外部領域。狄金森打破了內部及外部的既有界域,將有限制的空間轉化成意象式的家。本文第一章檢視狄金森的家庭環境,藉由生平史料研讀詩人的家人關係及詩人如何在隱居的過程中意識到自身的強烈獨特性。藉由詩人生平信件、詩作分析,及多位學者間的對話研讀,本章探討狄金森如何面對及自處於「關閉的空間」,並如何在最深處的密閉空間裡看待最熟悉卻又陌生的自我。第二章探討詩人如何從對居家空間的認知進入她的私人內部領域,並探索內部領域中的延展度及容量。藉由詩的討論來探討詩人如何解讀自身的心靈與意念,並能在自己「裡頭」構築一個家。第三章探討詩人如何從私人內部領域延展接觸外部空間。藉由自身經歷與非具象他者的相遇所累積的「內部」能量,得已「向外」伸展構出家的輪廓。即使詩人終其一生居於隱蔽的內部空間,藉由探索自身的內部領域及伸展向外的「偶遇」,並不被內部領域所困,詩人得以構築她自身的「家」。 The dissertation explores the unique perception of Dickinson’s domestic space and her cognition of interiority and examines how Dickinson makes use of the inner realm, crossing the boundary between interiority and exteriority and constructs her figurative home. The first chapter of this study examines Emily Dickinson’s real home and her reclusion, providing historical and biographical study on Dickinson’s familial relationships, parental influence, and the reclusion that is crucial to Dickinson’s home-making at home. The second chapter explores how the poet probes into her inner realm, discovering its containing quality and extensibility, and sees it as a possibility to dwell in. The third chapter extends the examination on Dickinson’s perception of interiority to an encounter with exteriority. Through the accumulations of experiences which are the source of power, the poet is able to draw a figurative home. By close readings on Dickinson’s letters and poems, the study examines how Dickinson’s awareness of her inner realm enables her to take the consciousness as a home. In the midst of confusions and disturbance in her life’s journey, Emily Dickinson has figured out a possible dwelling space for her to reside in. She is not confined in the interior, but is strengthened to extend to draw her own picture of home.
Key words: Emily Dickinson, domestic space, reclusion, interiority, encounter |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 97551012 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097551012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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