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Title: | 華特.史考特之艾凡赫:論蘇格蘭國族主義之進程 Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe: the Process of Scottish Nationalism |
Authors: | 林侃儒 Lin, Kan Ju |
Contributors: | 施堂模 Thomas J. Sellari 林侃儒 Lin, Kan Ju |
Keywords: | 華特.史考特 艾凡赫 蘇格蘭國族主義 國族主義 Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe Scottish nationalism nationalism |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-01 09:23:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 艾凡赫(又名劫後英雄傳)是華特.史考特(Sir Walter Scott,有時譯為司各特)所作的威佛利系列小說(Waverley Novels)中最受歡的小說之一。史考特在出版了幾本有關蘇格蘭的小說之後,決定嘗試寫一部純粹只與英格蘭有關的作品。在閱覽評論艾凡赫的文章中,我發現大部分的學者忽略了艾凡赫或許與蘇格蘭有關的可能性。因此我決定透過蘇格蘭國族主義的角度來分析艾凡赫,探究其與蘇格蘭的關係。 從中古世紀到十九世紀的蘇格蘭歷史中,我得到了啟發。我認為我們可以將國族主義形成的過程分成「集體身分認同」、「國家和國族主義」以及「國家身分認同與進階國族主義」來討論。本論文共有五個章節,除了序論和結論之外,中間三個章節將按照上述的三點進行分析。第一章將藉由閱讀蘇格蘭中古歷史和文學作品從中了解蘇格蘭集體身分認同的形成,並將其形成的模式套用於艾凡赫,進而解釋理查國王(King Richard)如何建立英格蘭集體身分認同。第二章所探討的是蘇格蘭歷史與威佛利中蘇格蘭如何成為國家以及其國族主義的建立,並以所得的結果分析理查國王如何使英格蘭成為真正的國家與其建立英格蘭國族主義的手法。第三章將重點擺在小說中英格蘭國家身分認同與其進階的國族主義,希望經由與前兩章相同的對應手法反向解釋史考特如何運用艾凡赫表達自己的蘇格蘭國家身分認同以及其進階的蘇格蘭國族主義。 Among Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley Novels, Ivanhoe is one of the most popular works. After writing several novels related to Scotland, Scott boldly attempted to create a purely English novel as an experiment in his life as a novelist. In reviewing the papers on Ivanhoe, I find that critics in and after Scott’s time seem to overlook the possibility that Ivanhoe, like any of its predecessor, is related to Scotland. Therefore, this thesis examines the relationship between Scottish history and Ivanhoe from the perspective of nationalism. Learning from Scottish history, I suggest discussing the formation of Scottish nationalism from aspects of “collective identity,” “nation and nationalism,” and “national identity and advanced nationalism.” The thesis is divided into three chapters according to aspects and a concluding chapter. Chapter One focuses on the building of Scottish identity in history and the building of English identity in Ivanhoe. Chapter Two discusses Scotland as a nation, the appearance of Scottish nationalism before the Union and Scottish nationalism in Waverley and Ivanhoe. Chapter Three looks into while the characters exhibit their English national identity and King Richard pursues his advanced English nationalism in the novel, Scott shows his Scottish national identity and develops an advanced Scottish nationalism that, with a well-preserved Scottish national identity, consecrates to reach a harmonious peace between the Scots and the English via Ivanhoe. Conclusion closes the thesis by reconfirming the relationship between Scott’s Ivanhoe and Scotland through the three-stage process of Scottish nationalism. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 98551011 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098551011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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