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Title: | 我國合理使用判斷基準之實證研究分析 An empirical study of Taiwan courts’ opinions on fair use four-factor test |
Authors: | 蘇郁雅 |
Contributors: | 李治安 蘇郁雅 |
Keywords: | 著作權法第65條第2項 合理使用 合理使用四款判斷基準 實證研究 Article 65(2) of the Taiwanese Copyright Act Fair use doctrine Four-factor test Empirical research |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-01 09:22:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 合理使用做為一個喘息空間,在事實與法律問題混合的判斷上卻充滿著不確定性與無法預測性而難以充分發揮屏障著作財產權獨占主張的功能。移植美國著作權法第107條之我國著作權法第65條第2款四個判斷基準一樣遇到了相同的問題,即便已明訂四款基準必須同時判斷,且法官對此四款判斷基準的心證縱使業已架構於許多既有的假說上,但是否依照那些假說就會得出一致性的判決結果倒說不準,猶如坦白是否一定從寬、抗拒就是否一定從嚴的結果一般。因此,本文擬從實證方法來看我國合理使用判決的運作情形,並列出十個與之相關的假說命題做為討論主軸:
H1:利用著作若為商業性使用,則法院容易為非合理使用之判斷。 H2:利用著作若有進行轉化性利用,則法院容易為合理使用之判斷。 H3:被利用著作性質之原創性越高,則法院較容易為非合理使用之判斷。 H4:利用著作所利用之部分占被利用著作的比例越少,則越容易構成合理使用。 H5:利用著作所取用被利用著作部分的重要性越低,則越容易構成合理使用之判 斷。 H6:若利用行為對於被利用著作之市場價值影響越高,則不容易構成合理使用。 H7:若利用行為造成被利用著作受取代的可能性越高,則不容易構成合理使用。 H8:台灣偏重第一款與第三款判斷基準之認定,而少用第二款與第四款之判斷基 準。 H9:第四款判斷基準常輔助第一款判斷基準為法院判斷合理使用之主要核心要 件。 H10:法院有為四款判斷基準之審查。 在透過敘述性統計、相關分析以及邏輯迴歸三種實證研究方法分析之後,關於我國法院對於合理使用四款判斷基準的使用情形,本文發現之結果與建議分述如下:從四款判斷基準的使用為觀察,我國法院仍然以商業與非商業二分法為第一款判斷基準之依歸;而第二款判斷基準的運用上,雖然著作物性質之認定能輔助法院進行該款判斷通過與否之用,但其連結性並不如想像緊密。若改為著作類型進行通過第二款判斷基準與否的認定反而會更為法院所使用。第三款判斷基準在質量比例與整體著作範圍的判斷上最容易為法院所適用,然也因此少有著作核心概念判斷之著墨。不過值得注意的是,在法院於計算取用部分佔被取用部分著作之比例多寡時偶有誤用侵權著作為分母的情形,多少會造成判斷上的失準。至於影響第四款判斷基準最主要的要素則為侵權著作未來散布過大可能性之討論。
然而是否即可因此做出我國合理使用四款判斷基準須有所增刪的結論似有未逮,在本文第六章我國合理使用四款判斷基準的去留討論上認為此為彈性(flexibility)與必然(certainty)的交易選擇,回顧我國法制體系以及合理使用輸出國美國設立合理使用的本意,似乎應給予多些空間形塑出判例以供參酌,並大膽嘗試使用合理使用這個「喘息空間」,以及研究其與第44條至第63條之關係再為法制上之改革為是。 As a “breathing space”, the scope of fair use is uncertain to prohibit the spillover effect of copyright. In this empirical study, we will explain and verify how the fair use doctrine used in Taiwanese legal system. The perplexity occurred when the Section 107 of the U.S. copyright law was transplanted into Article 65(2) of Taiwanese Copyright Act years ago. Even though rules were clearly announced by the authority body, it could not be assured the courts would follow the rules. As the myth goes” Leniency to those who confess their crimes and severity to those who refuse to”, it was not true in some empirical analysis.
Reviewing the four-factor test, the courts prefer to interpret the first factor as the question of whether it was commercial use. In the second factor, because it was difficult to define “the nature of the work”, the courts prefer to replacing with “the category of the work”, making it easier to operate and predict. The third factor, the easiest one to sentence judgments, has usually been ignored when examining so-called “the core value of the work”. Meanwhile, the courts may misapply denominators in the review of this factor in some cases. For the forth factor, the courts mainly focused on whether the infringing product or work may spread around in the market. In practice, the courts usually announced rulings on not only the first and third factors but the fourth, tightly joining with the first one. To our surprise, the interaction between the fourth factor and its elements recognized by the courts was different from the rules. This appearance might be resulted from the outcome of the first factor examination. In short, even though the courts literally examined four factors to decide the scope, they did not follow in real, probably resulting from the difficulty of interpreting the second factor.
Since fair use concept is a tradeoff between flexibility and certainty, the localization of the four-factor test shall be thoroughly considered. Back to the legislative history and the spirit of fair use, obviously, the better solution would be to give more time and space for the Supreme Court to mold prejudications for lower courts to use the test first. |
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