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Title: | 台灣更年期婦女健康照顧現況分析 The status analysis of women`s menopausal health care in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林淑玲 Lin, Shu Ling |
Contributors: | 傅立葉 Fu, Li Yeh 林淑玲 Lin, Shu Ling |
Keywords: | 更年期 更年期婦女 健康政策 性別為主流 更年期照顧 Monopause Menopause Health Care Health Care Policy Menopause Women |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-02-01 16:57:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣更年期婦女健康照顧是非常重要的議題。因台灣更年期後婦女仍有30-40年之存活時間,健康狀態及生活品質與更年期照顧息息相關。台灣婦女健康照顧政策隨著國際對婦女照顧的重視,行政院衛生署也完成婦女健康白皮書,更年期健康照顧於2003於國民健康局受到重視。本研究主要目的將檢測台灣更年期婦女健康照顧執行現況分析。研究設計分為三部分:研究設計1:台灣更年期婦女健康照顧政策及執行分析:以文獻分析法自2003年起分析政府機構及非政府機構政策及執行現況。研究設計2:更年期之主觀經驗及相關健康訊息需求及健康自我管理行為執行狀況。以質性研究深入了解婦女更年期之需求。研究設計3:更年期電話諮詢婦女健康訊息需求及自我健康管理行為量性研究。運用交叉分析法進行資料的整合。研究結果呈現:1. 台灣更年期健康照顧政策與執行層面的不適切性:政策與執行過程有落差,政府及非政府機構資源整合不足、2.更年期過度醫療化正名的糾葛:婦女面對更年期更加無所適從、3.婦女“知”的權力:婦女對於更年期健康照顧服務的可近性過低,缺乏相關資訊以因應更年期的變化。4.更年期健康訊息與健康行為的落差:婦女的健康訊息需求量高健康自我管理行為卻執行不足。5.更年期婦女行動者的自主權:婦女需有足夠的照顧提供,身為行動者能有照顧選擇權,並達到自我充權。本研究以實證資料分析台灣更年期健康照顧的現況,作為婦女健康照顧政策論述及執行層面的參考、未來政策擬定、學術研究、臨床照顧及促進國人更加重視以婦女為主體的健康照顧。 The women`s menopausal health care (WMHC) in Taiwan has become an important issue, and the health status and quality of life for them will be closely depended on it, as currently Taiwanese women will survive 30-40 years after menopause. With the international arousal on women’s health, the Department of Health has also published White Paper on Women`s Health, and the National Health Council (NHC) began to emphasize on the menopausal health care since 2003. The objective of the present study is to analyze the implementation status of WMHC in Taiwan. There were 3 aims. 1), to analyze the policies and the current status of implementation for WMHC, which was performed with literature review on the publications of government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) since 2003. 2), the qualitative research of the subjective experience of menopause as well as the needs of related health messages and the behavior of health–management by self, which was performed by interviewing the women in menopause. 3), the quantitative research of the needs of related health messages and the implementation of health–management by self, which was performed by the cross-analyses of counseling data obtained from a hotline telephone supported by the NHC. The results showed a marked gap between the policy and the implementation process, and also a lack of the integration for resources of government and NGOs, which resulted in a shortage of information in response to menopausal changes, and the inconvenience of service provided for WMHC. Menopausal women were entangled as menopause became over-medicated, as they showed a high demand of the health-related information and, contradictorily, insufficient execution of health–management behavior by self. Menopausal women were also looking forward to the autonomy of WMHC, by obtaining adequate care-provision and care-option, so as to achieve the self-empowerment. The present study is an evidence-based analysis of the status quo of WMHC in Taiwan, which would be a valuable reference of women’s health to future Policy formulation and implementation. Our results would also significantly contribute to the academic research and clinical care of menopausal women, and promote a greater emphasis on women’s health-care system. |
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