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    Title: 一個人的社會性-寂寞消費探討
    Single sociality-lonely consumption
    Authors: 陳姿伶
    Contributors: 陳信木
    Keywords: 少子化
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:57:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據內政部的數據顯示少子化、單人家戶已成為現代社會中的趨勢,而在這樣的社會趨勢底下,人們的價值觀和消費型態也逐漸發生改變。


    According to the statistics provided by the Interior ministry, the low-birth rate and single-family household rate have been a trend nowadays. Under such a circumstance, people’s values and consuming types are gradually changing.

    Since 1960, the birth rate has started to decrease resulting from the implement of Family Project(家庭計畫) in Taiwan. Till 2010, the birth rate had fallen to 0.895 (Interior ministry 2010), which is the lowest birth rate in the world. It is noted that not only the trend of fewer children(少子化) but the increasing of single-family household (單人家戶) strike Taiwan society. Specifically, the rate of single-family household in Taiwan keeps increasing from 24% to 28.7% in 2001 and 2010, respectively. This phenomenon implies that there has been and will be a large group of people having no brothers, sisters or marriage relation in Taiwan. Such changes in social structure will affect the life experience for each single person and significantly change people’s consuming types.

    In this thesis, in order to investigate the above-mentioned phenomenon, we took single consumers and staff of three STARBUCKS shops in Hsinchu as samples to explore the consuming type of a single person. It is found that a long-term consumer who is single consumes not merely coffee and environment but the interaction with staff in STARBUCKS. Such consuming type is called loneliness consuming in this study. Looking into the causes of loneliness consuming, the motivation behind such consuming is to establish relationship with people through places. It is observed that the lonely consumers in general like to interact with people but are single or from the environment with less close relationship. Accordingly, in the trend of more people being single, how to simultaneously satisfy the sociality in the behavior of consuming for consumers may yield new business opportunities.
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