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    Title: 網路與出口績效之關係
    The Internet and Export Performance
    Authors: 黃明萱
    Huang, Ming Hsuan
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Jean, Ruey Jer
    Huang, Ming Hsuan
    Keywords: 網路
    The Internet
    Export performance
    B2B electronic market
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:49:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技及技術的快速發展,網路逐漸改變企業的營運模式,其中電子商務已成為一項相當重要的商業工具。過去與網路相關的文獻較多著重於探討網路與國際行銷之間的關係,與出口相關的研究也大多探討網站複雜程度或網站內容對出口績效的影響,B2B電子市場對出口績效的影響較少成為研究主題,因此本研究除了網站外,更進一步將B2B電子市場列入影響出口績效的因素。
    With the rapid growth of technology and the Internet, the way people do business is changed dramatically. Specifically, e-commerce is becoming more and more essential as a business vehicle for firms. There is growing volume of literatures doing research on the Internet, but scholarly attention has been paid to define the Internet’s role in marketing. Even if there still some studies attempted to link the Internet to exporting, these literatures put more emphasis on the impacts of firm’s own websites on export performance. Thus, in addition to websites, B2B electronic markets are viewed as the determinant of export performance in this study.
    129 samples in this study are selected from Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. Multiple linear regression is adopted, and mean-centering is used as a means to reduce multicollinearity. The purpose of this study is to investigate respective impacts of own websites and B2B electronic markets on export performance and impacts of simultaneous use of own websites and B2B electronic markets on export performance.
    The results indicate that there is negative relationship between level of functionality of websites and export performance. Export performance here is measured by export percentage. In other word, when level of functionality of websites is higher, export percentage becomes lower. Second, the study findings demonstrate that a greater level of B2B electronic market a firm adopts is positively associated with its export performance. Finally, a firm’s simultaneous use of website and B2B electronic market is positively associated with its export performance.
    Reference: Reference
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