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    Title: 人為網絡及商業網絡對開發海外新市場機會的影響:以台灣中小企業為例
    The impact of social networks and business networks on opportunity recognition: An empirical examination of SMEs in Taiwan
    Authors: 張閔涵
    Chang, Min Han
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Chang, Min Han
    Keywords: 人為網絡
    Social networks
    Business networks
    Opportunity recognition
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:49:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對於中小企業來說,國際化是促進企業成長很重要的方式之一。然而,很少 有研究觸及中小企業開發海外新市場機會的方式。開發海外新市場機會對發展創 業家精神來說是很重要的,但我們必須問一個問題:為什麼是某一些企業而不是 另一些企業能發現並且利用這些新機會?答案是:開發海外新市場機會受到企業 主是否採用人為網絡及商業網絡的影響。
    此項研究利用質化方法並與五家台灣的中小企業進行深度訪談。訪談結果有 以下幾點:首先,此項研究探討人為網絡及商業網絡與開發海外新市場機會的關 係並發現人為網絡及商業網絡對開發海外新市場機會都有正向影響;第二,此研 究也從訪談中發現幾項影響兩者關係的中介變數,包括出口國家、委託生產類型 (OEM、ODM或OBM)及是否使用代理商,因此可探討在何種中介變數影響下人 為網絡或商業網絡較為有效。
    由質化資料的整理,本研究的結論為當公司的出口國家大多數為亞洲國家時, 人為網絡的影響較商業網絡大,因亞洲國家較依賴人為交情與「關係」。若公司 的委託生產類型為OBM,也就是有自己的品牌時,人為網絡的影響也比商業網 絡大,因本研究訪談對象皆為台灣中小企業,品牌效益較弱且知名度也較為不足, 況且發展自身品牌對於參展時較無幫助,參展時客戶多是要找尋專業代工廠而並 非品牌商,若要推廣品牌產品還是透過人為網絡效果較好;若公司有採用本國或 外國代理商時,商業網絡的影響較人為網絡大,因代理商有業績壓力會積極將產 品帶去各地參展,強化商業網絡的建立。
    Internationalization is an important route through which new-and-small ventures could realize their growth potential. Yet little is known about the methods used by entrepreneurs for opportunity recognition. Acknowledging opportunity recognition as being central to entrepreneurship, a key question is: Why and how do some people and not others discover and exploit these opportunities? The standard answer to this question is that opportunity recognition is influenced by entrepreneurs‟ participation in social and business networks.
    This study uses qualitative method and conduct deep interviews with five of Taiwan‟s SMEs. The result of the interviews provides several implications for the study. First, this study explores the relationships between networks and opportunity recognition including social and business networks, and finds out that both social and business networks have positive effects on opportunity recognition.
    Second, this study discovered several moderating factors affecting the relationships between social and business networks and opportunity recognition. From deep interviews, I found out that the moderating factors include exporting countries, contract manufacturing type, and agent usage. I discussed the conditions under which social or business networks are more effective.
    From the qualitative data, I conclude that when the company exports to Asian countries, social networks have stronger impacts since Asian countries rely more on personal relationships or the so-called “Guan-xi”; if the company has its own brand, social networks may have stronger impact for opportunity recognition; with the usage of agents, business networks are more influential since agents may bring products to trade shows or exhibitions and therefore facilitate the process of business networks.
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