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    Title: 創業導向、策略彈性與動態能力之關係
    Entrepreneurial Orientation, Strategic Flexibility, and Dynamic Capability
    Authors: 黃資婉
    Huang, Tzu Wan
    Contributors: 譚丹琪
    Tan, Danchi
    Huang, Tzu Wan
    Keywords: 創業導向
    Entrepreneurial Orientation
    Strategic Flexibility
    Dynamic Capability
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:49:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 動態能力指企業整合、建構、重新配置內外部能耐,以因應快速變遷環境的能力,本研究整理前人論述,將動態能力進一步分為產品、市場、流程等三個面向,並綜合過去文獻將前因分為實體或虛擬資產、機制或過程、行為意圖等三類,然而目前學者驗證的前因有限,尚有許多著墨空間,故在此提出屬於行為意圖類的創業導向,以及屬於機制或過程類的策略彈性,也是動態能力前因之假設,而由於兩者定義上一內一外的互補性,使本研究同時假定創業導向與策略彈性的交互作用亦為動態能力之前因。


    Dynamic capability is the capability that enterprises integrate, construct, and reconfigure their internal and external competences to respond to the rapidly changing environment. This thesis reviews past researches on dynamic capability, categorizing its underlying concepts into three dimensions, which are product, market, and process respectively, and combining different scholars’ point of views to classify the antecedents of dynamic capability into three types, tangible or intangible assets, mechanism or procedure, as well as behavioral intention. Due to the limited academic output on the dynamic capability antecedents, there’s much to be explored. Two new antecedents are proposed in this research; one is entrepreneurial orientation which belongs to the aforementioned behavioral intention type, and the other is strategic flexibility that is a part of the mechanism or procedure type. Moreover, because of the partly complementary connotations of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic flexibility, it’s further proposed that the interaction effect of the two variables can also serve as one dynamic capability antecedent.

    The “Taiwanese Electronic Company Database” of the Department of International Business, National Chengchi University, which contains the year 2009 data of 204 electronic firms based in Taiwan, is adopted to conduct an experimental research of regression analysis. Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic flexibility, and their interaction term are the three independent variables, while product, market, and process dynamic capabilities are the three dependent variables. The result points out that the impact of both entrepreneurial orientation and strategic flexibility on the three types of dynamic capabilities all reach the significant level. However, the interaction term does not generate significant influence on each of the three dynamic capabilities. The situation may on the one hand arise from the partial discrepancy of definition of the two main independent variables, and on the other hand stem from the variety of the sample.

    In order to generate a more satisfactory result, more regression analyses are conducted with the entire sample trimmed according to different criteria. Three regression models show positive results, that is when the sample only contains OEM, ODM, or OBM firms respectively, the interaction effect can be close or above the significant level. In the two models conducted with the OEM and ODM samples, the interaction effect is most evident on the process dynamic capability dependent variable, whereas the interaction effect of the OBM model is most significant on the market dynamic capability dependent variable. It shows that the interaction effect is able to reach the level of significance within certain sample groupings.
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