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Title: | 新移民女性在臺生活適應之探討—以新竹市為個案研究 Reseach on Life Adaptation of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan—A Case Study of Hsin–Chu City |
Authors: | 黃清欽 |
Contributors: | 孫本初 黃清欽 |
Keywords: | 新移民女性 生活適應 多元文化 |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-01-02 13:28:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球化的趨勢帶來了人口的移動與跨國婚姻的增加,對於移入國家常常產生多元文化的衝突,對於移入者更有許多要適應的面向,導致產生語言、文化與生活適應不良、人際關係與社會網絡缺乏支持等問題。
本研究在暸解政府對於新移民照顧輔導政策中,如何幫助新移民女性在臺灣所面臨的個人生活、心理、經濟、子女教養、婆媳、社會參與、資訊網絡等等問題。藉由訪談新移民女性表達出在政府的照顧輔導政策下的觀感與需求,供政府日後施政參考,以提出更具體及具多元文化的移民政策,來幫助新移民女性融入臺灣社會,並培養民眾尊重多元文化共存的觀念,以促進多元社會文化的實現。 The trend of globalization has contributed not only to the increase of global migration and transnational marriage but also brings cultural conflicts to the receiving country. To the immigrants, there are plenty of aspects to be faced with, such as the adaptation of language, culture, daily life as well as the building of interpersonal relationship and the lack of social support.
Therefore, the spirit of foreign spouses is truly admirable considering the courage they need to start a new life in a foreign country, striving to acclimatize themselves to the culture and value of a new country on their own.
In addition, they have to cope with many adaptation problems, some of them could be solved through learning, such as language, which could be tackled through the assistance of their family or Chinese literacy classes set up by the government. Nonetheless, some of the problems could not be solved in a short period of time, such as discrimination within or outside their family. Since their Taiwanese relatives might still have stereotyped ideas that they only married for money. To eliminate this type of discriminative and negative thinking, a better understanding and acceptance of foreign spouses is required.
With a view to reducing all sorts of derivative social problems, it has long been an important issue for our government, NGOs, and families with foreign spouses to provide them with happy family lives and smoother adaptations. Unfortunately, without adequate understanding of their original culture, our society is still riddled with stereotypes and prejudices against foreign spouses, making it more difficult for them to adapt to life in Taiwan.
As far as the assistance and guidance policy are concerned, it is the purpose of this study to understand in what way our government is assisting foreign spouses with problems regarding personal life, mental adaptation, financial ordeals, childcare, relationship with mother-in-law, social participation, and information access. For the reference of future polices, this study aims at revealing the perception as well as needs of foreign spouses through interviews, in a hope to propose a more practical and multi-cultural immigration policy that will not only help foreign spouses with better adaption into our society, but will also cultivate a public sense of respect for the co-existence of different cultures on the path toward the realization of a multi-cultural society. |
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