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Title: | 從積極性勞動市場政策看中高齡者再就業之研究--以桃園縣為例 Taoyuan`s Older Workers` Reemployment--An Active Labor Market Policy Perspective |
Authors: | 徐秀好 |
Contributors: | 陳小紅教授 徐秀好 |
Keywords: | 積極性勞動市場政策 中高齡 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-01-02 13:28:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為因應全球化、台商西進、兩岸經貿情勢的變遷及金融海嘯等衝擊;有關企業為節省成本,紛紛採取外包、兼併,僱用更多的外勞等措施,致使就業結構改變、傳統製造業逐漸式微、公營事業大量民營化,進而引起勞工就業類型改變,非典型勞工大量增加(指不定型勞工atypical workers、電傳勞工telecommuting、部分工時勞工、派遣勞工等),外籍勞工日益增多,知識工作者增多;勞工休無薪假,造成失業率不斷攀高,尤其中高齡者所面臨之就業問題,如就業機會減少、失業週數增長(尋找工作周期經常長至六個月到九個月)、轉業困難、雇主僱用意願低落等不利因素,且隨著人口的高齡化及國內經濟結構的快速調整,未來中高齡者失業問題之影響範圍勢將日益擴大。本論文試由積極性勞動政策觀點,探討中高齡者再就業之相關問題,採文獻分析與深度訪談法,就政府有關積極性勞動政策:公共就業、職業訓練及就業媒合,及包括工作分享在內的創造工作機會等機關角色及處理方式,進行一通盤性的探討,冀能找出對中高齡就業者困境更合理而周全的處理模式。 In light of globalization and Southeast Asia. Due to the impact of the world-wide financial tsunami as well as the economic and trade structural differences between Taiwan and Chinamany Taiwanese companies have relocated to China, Some corporations have adopted measures such as: cost down, out- sourcing, merging or hiring foreign labor thus resulted in changes with regard to employment structure, the gradually decline of traditional manufacturing, privatization, etc.. Changes in labor employment typesuch as atypical workers, telecommuting workers, part-timers, dispatched workers, etc therefore can easily be observed. Increasing number of foreign workers and white collar workers can also be found; however, workers with unpaid leave has hit the ever growing unemployment rate. In particular, the middle age toelderly unemployment problems are acute, for instance, reduced job opportunities, longer time to find a new job after unemployed), difficulties in switching jobs, employers reluctant to hire older workers. Given the rapid ageing trend, the unemployment problems among the elderly will in creasingly soar t in the future.
This research by adopting the active labor policies perspective wishes to tackle upon the re-employment issues of older workers . secondary data analysi, in-depth interviews and case study alaysisetc. are methods applied. Active government labor policies: public employment, vocational training employment matching, as well as job sharingnd aged workforce. have been assessed.he middle- a.tartegies may be worked out for is hoped that more Reasonable . |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921075 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096921075 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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