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Title: | 核能科技的新聞建構-以福島核災報導為例 The news construction of nuclear technology – take the Fukushima nuclear disaster reports as an example |
Authors: | 陳雅妤 Chen, Ya Yu |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 Chen, Yi Ning 陳雅妤 Chen, Ya Yu |
Keywords: | 內容分析 核能科技 報導品質 福島核災 Content Analysis Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Nuclear Technology Reporting Quality |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2012-12-03 11:18:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以福島核災期間的新聞報導為分析對象,透過兩階段的新聞內容分析,比較福島核災發生當月以及週年前夕的新聞報導。研究發現越接近福島核災週年,媒體關注越高;福島核災後一個月內的新聞以因應框架為主,一年後的主要框架則轉為衝突及人情趣味框架;福島核災週年的報導戲劇化程度較一年以前為高,而兩階段共同的缺點則為消息來源過於單一化。本研究檢視福島核災報導的優點及未盡之處,以提供實務上諸多參考。 This thesis attempts to analyze the news reports of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. By comparing the news coverage between March 11 and April 10 2011, and February 12 and March 11 2012, we found when the anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster approaching, the amount of news reports gradually increased. The dominant frame of the first stage of this study is the strategy frame, and the second stage are the conflict frame and the human interest frame. This study also found the amount of the dramatic style of coverage in the second stage is higher than that in the first stage. And the shortcoming of both the two stage is the lack of diversity of the sources. |
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