Abstract: | 本子計畫的目的,即擬針對99學年度就讀四年級的這一屆國小學童,進行長達三年期的追蹤調查,以建置國小階段有關學童科學與數學學習的長期追蹤調查資料庫。追蹤調查資料庫的內容,擬包括:各族群學生的性別、自我概念、學習動機、學習態度、學習策略、和科學與數學學習成就等個人變項,家庭結構、家庭語言環境、家庭社經地位等家庭變項,以及學校的課程、教學、環境等學校變項等資料。由於新移民族群學生分散各縣市、各學區、各學校,若欲專程收集這一特定族群的特定資料,將倍感困難與所費不眥(含人力、時間、與成本等資源),所以,本子計畫將加入本地生的資料收集當作對照組,以降低受試者被要求填寫資料時的防禦心理,並期盼能增加填寫問卷的配合度。另考量各種限制因素及樣本分佈所可能具有的母群代表性後,本子計畫僅鎖定「台北市文山區於99學年度就讀四年級的這一屆全體國小學童」作為調查對象,持續追縱調查其連續三學年、共五個波段的資料。最後,本子計畫將協同子計畫二所收集的資料,以統一的資料格式進行資料登錄工作,完成本整合型計畫案的資料庫建置工作。同時,本子計畫將根據此三學年五波段所收集的國小學童資料,進行統計分析後,提出結案報告。 The purpose of this project is to do the three-year-term longitudinal study about the science and mathematics learning growth for the fourth-grade students whose elementary schools will be located at the Wen-San District, Taipei City, Taiwan, in 2010 academic year. The longitudinal-study data bank will be constructed with included the following variables, such as: gender, self-concept, learning motivation, learning aptitude, learning strategy, science and mathematics achievement which belonged to the personal variables, family structure, family language usage, family socio-economic status which belonged to the family variables, and school curriculum, teaching, environment which belonged to the school variables. Due to the data collection about the new immigrant groups are hard to do, the project will also include the local students' same data collection in order to decrease the self-defensiveness and increase the cooperation of the new immigrant groups. Besides, under the consideration about various possible limits, the project focus the data collection only for the fourth-grade students whose elementary schools will be located at the Wen-San District, Taipei City, Taiwan, in 2010 academic year. The project will continue for three academic years with five waves of data collection. Finally, after finish of the data collection, the project will couple with the Project Two to code the whole collected-data with the same framework in order to complete the Integrated Research Project. Meanwhile, the project will also analyze the collected-data to find out something. And the suggestions and conclusions about these findings will also be proposed and complete the project. |