Abstract: | 在西方民主傳統下發展出來的「地方治理」觀念,是以一種「多元主權」的「分權」觀念作為其背後的核心依據的。從「中央統治」發展到「地方治理」,象徵的是傳統國家主權絕對威權觀念的修正,也象徵著權力的分享。「地方治理」的概念也在威權體制統治下的中國大陸引發廣泛的討論。然而,中國大陸的「地方治理」內涵與西方的地方治理內涵是截然不同的,西方的民主觀念所產生的分權觀念,促成了從「統治」向「治理」觀念的過渡;但是中國在不具備民主的狀態下,地方政府是將「地方治理」作為一個地方主義興起或向中央權威挑戰的口號或理論依據。「地方治理」在中國大陸,一方面是作為地方政府單位向中央政府分權的一種表現;但另一方面也體現地方基層單位向地方爭權的依據。換言之,通過對地方治理話語的建構與詮釋,中國大陸的政治參與被擴大了,中央、地方與市民社會三者的權力互動關係也將重新被審視。本文即是通過對「浙江模式」發展的分析與研究,來探討在浙江發展過程中浙江各級地方政府扮演的角色與作為,並且思考中國大陸如何在以中央極權為主導的單一威權體制下,塑造以分權制度為核心概念的「地方治理」在中國實踐的正當性和合理性基礎。亦即中國大陸地方政府如何通過對「地方治理」話語的建構、詮釋與實踐,在威權統治與政治參與之間取得一定的平衡,從而使得地方政府能夠在中央威權統治與市民社會興起的辯證中,保持自身存在與發展的優勢,並且從中獲得利益?這些都是本文希望通過對浙江模式的研究與梳理能夠釐清的問題。 The concept of “local governance”developed in the western democratic tradition is based on the central idea of the division of power within the framework of multiple sovereignties. The development from “centralized rule” to “local governance” represents a revision of the traditional concept of the absolute authority of national sovereignty, and the acceptance of the sharing of power. The idea of “local governance” hasalso ignited heated debates in totalitarian China. China’s “local governance,” however, is radically different from that of the West. The Western concept of the division of power, born of the concept of democracy, has brought about the change from “ruling” to “governance.”But in China, lacking democracy, “local governance” is used by local governments as a slogan or theoretical underpinning for regionalism or challenge against the central authorities. Thus in Mainland China, “local governance” is, on the one hand, an expression of local governments wrestling with the central government for power sharing, and, on the other, an embodiment of grass-roots units fighting with the local government for power. In other words, through the creation and interpretation of a discourse of local governance, political participation in Mainland China has been extended. The power play between the central authorities, the local governments and the civil society will be examined in the light of this discourse. Through a study of the development of the Zhejiang model, this paper discusses the roles and actions of the various levels of Zhejiang’s local governments in the development of the province. The paper also offers speculations on the problem of how Mainland China, under the unitary authoritarian system of the totalitarian central government, goes about building a workable “local governance”which is based on the division of power. How legitimate and how rational is this, indeed, in the Chinese context? In other words, the paper attempts to clarify how Mainland China’s local governments, through the construction, interpretation and application of a discourse of “local governance,”achieve a degree of balance between totalitarian rule and political participation, and, as a result, are able to benefit themselves and maintain their own existence and developmental advantage in the dialectic of the central government’sauthoritarian rule and the emergence of a civil society. These are issues that this paper seeks to shed light on through a study of the Zhejiang model. |