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    Title: 責任保險法制對氣候變遷之因應 (II)
    Other Titles: The Reform of Laws and Regulation Regarding Liability Insurance in Response to the Climate Change
    Authors: 張冠群
    Contributors: 國立政治大學法律學系
    Keywords: 氣候變遷;氣候變遷責任;風險管理;法律風險;侵權行為
    Climate Change Liability;Climate Change;Public Nuisance;Legal Risk
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-11-26 09:38:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 計畫標題:責任保險法制對氣候變遷之因應全球暖化(Global Warming)所致之地表溫度升高及地冰層融化及海平面上升等問題,乃本世紀人類所面臨最嚴重之生存環境破壞之議題。於保險法領域,探討氣候變遷衝擊之際鮮被提及者為責任保險。究其原因,如強烈之颶風之形成及威力之增強是否與全球暖化直接相關屬科學上之爭議,則縱因颶風發生而受損害者可證明溫室氣體排放者排放之溫室氣體即可能造成全球暖化,欲證明溫室氣體排放與颶風之形成及其與損害間之因果關係,甚極困難,故溫室氣體排放者對責任保險之需求性,尚未如其他可能於氣候變遷中受損失風險增加之個人對財產或人身保險需求強烈。然此一情形,自美國聯邦法院於2007年之Massachusetts, et al. v. E.P.A一案判決麻塞諸賽州因全球暖化而受有土地消失等損失,而要求EPA有作為義務訂立新標準以規範溫新出廠汽車之室氣體排放量後,似有改變可能。E.P.A.為回應此一趨勢,乃於2009年12月9日,發佈行政命令-「溫室氣體強制通報命令」(Mandatory Reporting of Green House Gases)統一將大氣層中六類溫室氣體,認定為對此一世代與下一世代公民健康及公眾福祉有害者,且汽車引擎之廢棄排放,乃直接造成空氣污染之來源。至此,溫室氣體在美國係導致氣候變遷之原因且屬污染源之事實,已告確立。由是衍生之重要法律命題為:此類因氣候變遷訴訟而生之賠償責任,是否屬保險之承保範圍?由是衍生之重要法律命題為:此類因氣候變遷訴訟而生之賠償責任,是否屬保險之承保範圍?類似之損害賠償責任,於被害人可舉證證明損害及其損害發生或擴大之原因與氣候變遷相關之場合,在我國有無成立之可能?倘答案為肯定,則其亦如美國一般,對責任保險之市場、經營、要保人與被保險人權利及投保之選擇乃至受害人之對責任保險人請求等問題,均將伴隨而生。此本研究對我國現況與法制分析之重點。另自積極面而言,若溫室器體排放者之使損害賠償責任可成立,溫室氣體排放者投保責任保險間接亦提高其排放成本,使其於排放時必定多加注意,亦屬公共政策欲達之另一目的。故如何透過立法,設計一兼顧保險人之承保風險能量且適當補償氣候變遷被害人損失並間接達成提高溫室氣體排放者之排放成本,達成減碳目的之責任保險機制,即屬重要,此亦係本研究之最終目標。鑑於此,本計畫擬以兩年為期,兼採「保險理論經濟分析」、「比較法研究」及「問題解決導向」三主要研究方法,對上開問題進行深度研究分析,第一年針對美國法制與司法判決之發展持續觀察與分析,第二年則針對我國制度進行分析與潛在缺失之發現,並冀對我國相關制度之建構,提供建言。
    Project Title: The Reform of Laws and Regulation Regarding Liability Insurance in Response to the Climate Change The adverse impacts associated with extreme weather events have increased over the last few decades, and this appears to be due to several factors, including climate change and global warming, the growth of urban development and population density in exposed areas, and a higher concentration of assets and values at risk. The growing impact of the direct and indirect costs associated with weather-related disasters worldwide calls for an evaluation of possible strategies to reduce their large-scale damaging effects. In Massachusetts v. EPA, the U.S. Supreme Court held that carbon dioxide is an air pollutant for purposes of a section of the Clean Air Act relating to EPA`s regulation of automobile emissions. The Supreme Court addressed whether greenhouse gases are air pollutants within the meaning of a section of the Clean Air Act, for the purpose of determining whether they may be regulated by the EPA. The question of regulatory authority over greenhouse gas emissions involves a different inquiry from whether an insurance policy excludes coverage for such emissions in a particular case. While Massachusetts v. EPA does not dispose of the insurance coverage question, its framework of analysis is equally applicable to tort claims involving damages potentially result from climate change. In that case, major greenhouse gas emitters may face increasing liability risks incurred by claims based on the ground of nuisance or product liability. As insurance is a primary tool for risk financing, the response of both liability insurers and insurance regulators to this issue determines the changing ground of the law and practice of liability insurance. Hence, this research will first observe and analyze the emerging trend of private tort claims brought against greenhouse gas emitters and any changes of statutory laws, regulations and insurance practice associated with such court decisions. Given that same issue may also take place in Taiwan, the second part of this research places emphasis on assessing the possibility of the establishment of tort liability based on damages caused from climate change under Taiwanese law. Once the potential climate-change-related liability was affirmed, liability insurers approaches to address the issue would be another focus of this research. Furthermore, although governments’ efforts in reducing of the emission of greenhouse gas focuses primarily on the establishment of emission trading mechanism and tightened control, the mandatory liability insurance can be an alternative to increase the costs of emission so as to discourage emitters from continuous production of greenhouse gas. Considering the public interest involved in the climate-change-related liability insurance, it is essential to inquire that how should a feasible legal framework be designed to make the climate-change-related liability insurable and meanwhile tackle the task of increasing the welfare of the general public. This is the ultimate goal this research aims to accomplish.
    Relation: 基礎研究
    研究期間:10008~ 10107
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[法律學系] 國科會研究計畫

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