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Title: | 大陸台資企業經營策略之研究-以A資材公司為例 Study on the business strategies of the Taiwanese enterprise in China --- “A” printing company as an example |
Authors: | 邵礦慰 Shaw, Kuang Way |
Contributors: | 李易諭 邵礦慰 Shaw, Kuang Way |
Keywords: | 策略 供應鏈 委外 Strategy Supply chain Outsourcing |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2012-11-01 13:51:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著經濟全球化的發展,企業逐漸邁向國際化與多元化,企業事業範疇也藉由國際化的布局以追求企業資源最大效益。在全球化發展潮流中,由於中國擁有豐富資源、龐大市場以及低廉勞工成本,所以中國成為企業主要布局的國家之一。台灣與中國經濟發展緊密,許多台商企業紛紛在中國建立起完整的供應鏈,故當台商企業在選擇策略夥伴或是委外合作方式時,必須考量眾多成本效益因素才能真正提升企業經營策略績效。 本研究主要針對國內外相關文獻以進行資料的蒐集與整理,主要針對策略、供應鏈,以及委外等相關議題做歸納與整理,之後再透過個案研究方式,以一家台資企業(A公司)做為研究對象,來探討其企業所面臨到的企業瓶頸,以及因應策略和委外策略,最後再提出策略轉變後的經營績效分析以及關鍵成功因素。 由於A公司企業與產業特性,故面臨幾項經營問題,包含主要訂單深受集團訂單影響、產品廣度不足、人員培訓不及、原物料成本上漲、研發能力需提升、生產製程和關鍵技術完整性不足、未建構完整委外管理系統,企業必須產業環境變遷來提出因應策略以提升企業本身競爭力與經營發展,故A公司致力尋求可以長期合作的協力廠商以及上游原物料合作廠商以提升產能的彈性與配合,同時工廠內設備的持續精進和生產製程推動自動化亦成為生產效率提升、減少人力作業依賴的重要因素,同時人才的培育也是A公司重要策略之一,故A公司希望能透過尋求印刷產業相關的大專院校進行產學合作以培育人才,最後針對產能不足問題,則可以透過尋求合適地點擴廠或是製程委外來彌補產能不足的問題。 本研究主要探討為當企業面臨經營挑戰時,要如何針對問題提出解決方案並提升企業內部的經營績效和競爭能力。由於A公司人才培育和留才不易,故企業不斷提升工廠設備效率以追求產能最大產出,不僅工廠設備機台的生產數量成為業界標竿,其生產總得率也是印刷業業界所不及;此外,由於集團訂單龐大,不僅使A公司設備能有效運轉以追求最佳產能外,亦可以使其在單位製造成本上享有競爭優勢。總歸以上幾點優勢,A公司的關鍵成功因素包含四點,第一為集團穩定龐大的訂單數量,透過集團內穩定龐大的訂單數量來提早規劃產能以求最大產能效益,第二為生產技術優勢和先進生產設備,A公司部分包材技術皆為業界之冠,第三是綜合採購成效,透過集團綜合採購來降低原物料成本壓力,最後則是車隊統一招標與調度,使的運輸成本低於同業。 With the economic globalization, enterprises became more international and divertified, and also tried their best to maximize business synergy through global development. In the trend of globalization, China became one of the most important country due to its rich resources, huge market, and lower labor cost. The Taiwan companies had close business relationship with China, and many of them gragually builded up a complete supply chain in China so that they could choose the most appropriate stragetic partner. When Taiwan enterprises choosed the way of coopration, they had to take many cost factors into consideration to truly improve business performance. This study found out the information related to strategy, supply chain and outsourcing. With interviewing a Taiwanese company (A company), this study tried to investigate the business problems and the corresponding strategies, and finally pointed out the improved performance and key successful factors. Because of the characteristic of A company and industry, A company faced some challenges including being affected deeply by parent company, low diversification of products, uncompleted training programs, raising material cost, insufficient R&D ability and key production skills, and unsatisfactory outsoucing management system. A company endeavored to find the long-term cooperative and material partners to have more flexible production operation, and the production performance kept making prograss through high efficiency of the equipments and automization. Meanwhile, training became one of the most important strategies for A company, so A company cooperated with colleges to attract talented human resource. Finally, A company tried to find out the appropriate location to build up factory to resolve the problem of insufficient capacity. This study focused on the way of resolution, improving performance and core competency when those companies faced the business challenges. Because A company had difficulty in attracting the talent, A company kept upgrading the equipment to maximize the output and efficiency; otherwise, A company could have best capacity plan due to huge orders from parent company and also have competitive manafactoring cost. To summerize the above advantages, the sucessful factors included four. The first one is huge order from its bloc, so that A company could have better capacity plan due to the stable order quanitites. Second, A company had best material-packaging skills because of the advanced equipment. Third, A company could have the purchasing synergy due to huge order quantities from the bloc ‘s purchase. Finally, A company had lower transportation cost because they had a standard transporation managing system. |
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