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Title: | 國小高年級學童知覺教師教學風格、數學學習情緒與學習動機之相關研究 |
Authors: | 蔡宛蓁 Tsai, Wan Chen |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan Chen 蔡宛蓁 Tsai, Wan Chen |
Keywords: | 教師教學風格 學習情緒 學習動機 teachers’ teaching styles academic emotions learning motivation |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:26:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在透過量化研究的方式,探究國小高年級學童知覺的教師教學風格類型與數學學習情緒、學習動機之間的關係。於研究歷程中,擇定台北市、新北市國小高年級學童共計872人為研究對象,採用教師教學風格量表、數學學習情緒量表、數學學習動機量表為評量依據,蒐羅研究資料,進而輔以描述統計與分析、卡方考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行結果分析。本研究之主要發現如下:
1.國小高年級學童知覺的教師教學風格類型以學習者中心型居多,教學者中心型次之。 2.國小高年級學童在數學學習情緒中之正向活化情緒與負向活化情緒兩方面的感知度同樣強烈,但正向活化情緒略高於負向活化情緒。 3.國小高年級學童在數學學習動機之動機涉入概念方面,以「堅持」之得分最高,「工作選擇:挑戰性」居次,「工作選擇:取悅他人」最低;而在行動控制策略方面,「情境控制」之平均得分略高於「他人控制」。 4.不同性別之高年級學童知覺的教師教學風格類型有顯著差異。 5.不同教師性別之高年級學童知覺的教師教學風格類型有顯著差異。 6.不同性別之高年級學童在正向活化情緒方面有顯著差異,且男生的感受度會較女生強烈。 7.不同性別之高年級學童在負向活化情緒方面有顯著差異,且女生的感受度會較男生強烈。 8.不同教師性別之高年級學童在正向活化情緒方面無顯著差異。 9.不同教師性別之高年級學童在負向活化情緒方面無顯著差異。 10.不同性別之高年級學童在動機涉入概念方面之「工作選擇:挑戰性」與「工作選擇:取悅他人」層面有顯著差異,且男生得分會顯著高於女生。 11.不同性別之高年級學童在動機涉入概念方面之「堅持」層面並無顯著差異。 12.不同性別之高年級學童在行動控制策略方面之「情境控制」與「他人控制」層面皆有顯著差異,且女生得分顯著高於男生。 13.不同教師性別之高年級學童在動機涉入概念方面之「工作選擇:挑戰性」、「工作選擇:取悅他人」、「堅持」層面皆無顯著差異。 14.不同教師性別之高年級學童在行動控制策略方面之「情境控制」與「他人控制」層面無顯著差異。 15.教師教學風格與負向活化情緒之間未有顯著相關性。 16.教師教學風格與正向活化情緒之間存有顯著負相關。 17.高年級學童在正向活化情緒方面的得分與動機涉入概念的三個面向皆有顯著正相關。 18.高年級學童在正向活化情緒方面的得分與行動控制策略的二個面向皆有顯著正相關。 19.高年級學童在負向活化情緒方面的得分與動機涉入概念之「工作選擇:取悅他人」層面有顯著正相關,與「工作選擇:挑戰性」、「堅持」兩層面之得分則未存有顯著相關性。 20.高年級學童在負向活化情緒方面的得分與行動控制策略的二個面向皆有顯著正相關。 21.高年級學童知覺之教師教學風格與動機涉入概念中的「工作選擇:挑戰性」、「堅持」兩個層面存有顯著負相關,但與「工作選擇:取悅他人」層面無顯著相關性。 22.高年級學童知覺之教師教學風格與行動控制策略中的「情境控制」和「他人控制」兩個層面皆存有顯著負相關。 23.數學學習情緒對教師教學風格與數學學習動機的關係有顯著的中介效果。
最後,依據研究結果進行討論,並針對教育工作者、父母、未來研究者提出 具體建議,供後續實務工作及研究參酌。 This study aims to explore the relationship between teacher’s teaching styles perceived by elementary school higher-grade students, and emotions and motivations in math learning by the method of quantitative research. Samples of the study are 872 elementary school higher-grade students in Taipei city and New Taipei city; the data are gathered by the scores evaluated through teaching styles scale sheet, emotion scale sheet for math learning, and motivation scale sheet for math learning, in addition, the data are further analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent- samples t test, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis; the results of the study are as follows:
1.The majority of the teachers’ teaching styles perceived by the students are the learner-oriented styles; the second high is the teacher-oriented styles. 2.The students have equal strong perceptions on the activation of positive emotions and negative emotions; however, the level of positive motions is slightly higher than that of negative emotions. 3.On the motivational engagement of the students on math learning, the students earn the highest score in “insistence”, the second high, in “choosing challenging works”, the lowest, in “choosing pleasing works”; on action control strategy, the students earn slightly higher score in “environment control” than in “people control”. 4.Gender of the students significantly influences their perceptions on the teaching styles. 5.Gender of the teachers influences the teaching styles perceived by the students. 6.Gender of the students significantly influences their activation of positive emotions and boys perceive the activation stronger than the girls do. 7.Gender of the students significantly influences the activation of negative emotions and girls perceive the activation stronger than the boys do. 8.Gender of the teachers does not significantly influence the activation of positive emotions of the students. 9.Gender of the teachers does not significantly influence the activation of negative emotions of the students. 10.Gender of the students significantly influences their motivational engagement on the aspects of “choosing challenging works” and “choosing pleasing works”, and boys earn higher scores than girls. 11.Gender of the students does not significantly influence their motivational engagement on “insistence”. 12.Gender of the students significantly influences their choosing of strategy of action control on the aspects of “environment control” and “people control”, and girls earn high scores than boys. 13.Gender of teachers does not significantly influence the students’ motivational engagement on the aspects of “choosing challenging works”, “choosing pleasing works”, and “insistence”. 14.Gender of the teachers does not significantly influence the students’ choosing of strategy of action on the aspects of “environment control”, and “people control”. 15.The teachers’ teaching styles are not significantly correlated to the activation of negative emotions. 16.Teachers’ teaching styles are significantly correlated to the activation of positive emotions. 17.The scores of the students in the activation of positive emotions are significantly positively correlated to the three aspects of motivational engagement. 18.The scores of the students in the activation of positive emotions are significantly positively correlated to the two aspects of action control. 19.The scores of the students in the activation of negative emotions are significantly positively correlated to the aspect of “choosing pleasing works” of motivational engagement; the scores, are not significantly correlated to the aspects of “choosing challenging works”, “and “insistence”. 20.The scores of the students in the activation of negative emotions are significantly positively correlated to the two aspects of action control. 21.The students’ perceptions of teachers’ teaching styles are significantly negatively correlated to the aspects of “choosing challenging works”, and “insistence” of motivational engagement; however, the perceptions are not significantly correlated to the aspect of “choosing pleasing works”. 22.The students’ perceptions on teachers’ teaching styles are significantly correlated to the aspects of “environment control” and “people control” of action control strategy. 23.The emotions in math learning have significant mediating effect in the relationship between teaching styles and motivations in math learning.
In addition, the results of the study may serve as a reference for future studies and as practical suggestions for teachers and parents. |
Reference: | 壹、中文部分
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