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    Title: 社群網路服務在大學圖書館之應用研究: 以 Facebook 和噗浪為例
    A study of the applications of social network services in the academic libraries
    Authors: 徐心儀
    Contributors: 楊美華
    Keywords: 臉書
    Web 2.0
    Social networking
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 15:20:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Facebook與噗浪是近年國內最多人使用之社群網站,其將朋友圈突破為開 放式之架構,成為最具影響力之傳播平台。在眾多企業與組織皆利用其作 為服務與行銷工具的同時,圖書館也順勢推出了社群網路服務,希望
    本研究之目的在提供大學圖書館社群網路服務未來經營內容 與方向之具體建議。首先利用「內容分析法」對三者進行功能、訊息與回 應多面向之服務情形分析,其次採用「問卷調查法」瞭解使用者之經驗與 想法,共回收727份問卷,最後再經由與館員們的「深度訪談」確認館方 之想法與態度。
    研究結果發現: 一.社群網路服務對圖書館深具重要性,因其擁有以 下特點:(一)提供了圖書館主動出擊的機會、(二)圖書館可以將 Facebook 視為圖書館滿意度評估的工具、(三)與圖書館其它服務管道做結合,截 長補短,為圖書館服務加做加值;二.使用者期許圖書館社群網路服務更 有系統之經營;三.大學圖書館館員對社群網路服務應抱持著積極正面的 經營態度;四.大學圖書館 Facebook 與噗浪之經營策略與重點為:(一) 經營初期需要策略,宜讓更多館員參與且定期維護、(二)需要全體員 工共同經營,而非僅由少數館員把關、(三)了解平台特性與具備經營熱 情遠比平台選擇重要、(四)提供隱私權相關說明,讓使用者能安心使 用平台。
    最後,提出未來圖書館社群網路之經營建議:一.注意「訊息最佳化」, 以活動、公告為主要發佈類型,內容以簡單扼要為宜,並應附上詳細連 結;二.建立「圖書館社群訊息守則」,建立館內發佈訊息之一致性與共識; 三.社群網路需要主動宣傳才能有效達到「曝光管道最大化」;四.鼓勵使用者的參與、五.定期做使用者意見調查;六.持續更新與即時管理。
    In recent years, Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. It has not only made it easier than ever for people to connect with each other, but is also a great influence on this generation of youths. The method of marketing library services through Facebook without intrusions into peoples’ privacy is worth pondering. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of university library Facebook/Plurk page and to explore it from viewpoints of librarians as well as readers.
    The research used content analysis to analyze the user activities on Facebook and Plurk among both National Taiwan University and Providence University students. In addition, a questionnaire was designed to understand readers’ experiences and viewpoints on the use of Social Networking Services by libraries. The questionnaire was sent over the internet and 727 responses were received and processed. Furthermore, the study interviewed library staff to investigate viewpoints of librarians on the social networking use by libraries. Based on the summarized results of the data, suggestions were made for university libraries regarding how to use Social Network to promote library services.
    The results of this study shows that National Taiwan University and Providence University use different management strategies on social networking. National Taiwan University has a social networking team with established standard operating procedures, as such, most of NTT’s postings are
    university activities and announcements. For Providence University, social networking is managed by one person and as a result, the posts are more personal, active and dynamic.
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