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Title: | 重新理解柏拉圖之《泰鄂提得斯》篇 Reunderstanding Theaetetus |
Authors: | 林加恩 Lin, Chia En |
Contributors: | 彭文林 Peng, Wen Lin 林加恩 Lin, Chia En |
Keywords: | 泰鄂提得斯 助產術 普羅塔哥拉斯 偏題 知識即感知 Theaetetus midwifery Protagoras digression knowledge is perception |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:20:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文試圖藉由梳理前人對於『泰鄂提得斯』篇之研究觀點,重新理解此篇談論知識的對話錄之意義。此文不採取過去對話錄間系統性的比較取徑,而專注於從此文本本身發掘柏拉圖所欲呈現之知識觀點。 藉由帶出『助產術』、『普羅塔哥拉斯』、『偏題』等主題,配合重新閱讀原文『知識即感知』的知識定義的討論,呈現在對話錄中,對話者於追求知識過程中所經歷的種種心智轉變,進而描繪柏拉圖所刻畫之人與知識間的關係,凸顯此對話錄中『內化政治』的面向以及對話錄真正的核心關懷。 與其說此對話錄意圖定義知識是什麼,不如說柏拉圖試圖傳遞一種心智教育的指引,來引領我們轉換跟知識追求活動間的關係。 The aim of this thesis is to portray what may be the real spirit of the dialogue Theaetetus.
While most of the researches focus on the systematic position of this dialogue, this dialogue seems to offer us less than it might do. While the midwifery and the digression are taken to be peripheral in other scholarly works, this thesis intends to bring out the connotation of these passages. Together with re-reading of the first part of the definition of knowledge, I tried to show the “inner-political” facet and the real concern of this dialogue.
I suggest that, in Theaetetus, what we really get is not the result of a certain definition of knowledge; instead, what Plato tries to transmit is a mental-pedagogical guideline, informing us how to transform our relations with the pursuit of knowledge. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學研究所 98154005 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098154005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [哲學系] 學位論文
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