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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/55003
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    Title: 雲端遊戲平台資訊系統採用意圖之研究
    Study of Players’ Adoption Intention of Cloud-based Game Platform
    Authors: 高璽舜
    Contributors: 劉文卿
    Keywords: 創新擴散
    Diffusion of innovation
    Information successful model
    Technology acceptance model
    cloud computing
    cloud gaming platform
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:37:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究架構以Wixom & Todd(2005)提出的使用者滿意與科技接受整合模式為基礎,以資訊系統成功模式中「系統品質」、「資訊品質」、「服務品質」構面以及Roger(1995)提出的創新擴散中「相對好處」、「相容性」作為研究架構的探討構面,針對雲端遊戲平台的使用者進行實證研究,探討使用者參與雲端遊戲平台之影響因素。

    This study bases its structure on Theoretical Integration of User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance Wixom & Todd (2005) proposed, in which “System Quality”, “Information Quality”, “Service Quality” dimensions in Information System Success Model, and “Relatively Advantage” & “Compatibility” in Innovation Diffusion that Roger (1995) proposed constitute discussion dimension. For discussing factors that influence users to take part in cloud gaming platform, the empirical research targets at those users.

    From the research, we found “System Quality”, “Information Quality”, “Service Quality” and “IS Satisfaction” in Information System Success Model have positive correlation, and “Relatively Advantage” & “Compatibility” and “IS Satisfaction” present a positive correlation as well while “IS Satisfaction” in Information System Success Model and “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of Use” in Technology Acceptance Model are closely related; besides, this study discovered Innovation Diffusion dimension has effect on “Perceived Usefulness”, but doesn’t have significant effect on “Perceived Ease of Use” while “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of Use”, “Attitude” and “Intention to Use” in Technology Acceptance Model are related.
    Reference: 中文部分








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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097356021
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