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    Title: 以創意城市觀點探討台南市中西區近十年城市變化
    The urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the middle-east district of Tainan City - a creative city perspective
    Authors: 林青青
    Lin, Ching Ching
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Lin, Ching Ching
    Keywords: 創意城市
    Creative City
    the Middle-East District of Tainan City
    5Cs of Creativity Index
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:36:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於社會與經濟結構的變遷,讓城市的環境結構隨之面臨重大改變,於是形成「創意城市」研究熱潮。在這股「創意城市」的研究浪潮當中,台灣城市的產業結構、空間規畫以及城市氛圍,都有了不同以往風貌。在這波改變中,連都市化、都市更新速度在五都中相對較慢的文化古都-台南市,也發生了改變,因此,本研究歸納台南市中西區近十年產生的變化,希望循著台南市中西區改變的軌跡,發現改變的原因,尤其不同因素間是如何交互影響,讓老府城有了新風景。

    本研究整理、歸納「創意城市」理論發展的背景與主流理論後,考量文化、社會環境及經濟型態對城市發展的影響,選擇Desmond Hui以香港為研究背景所提出的「創意5C模型」做為本研究理論架構的基礎,以創意城市的理論觀點探討台南市中西區近十年城市的變化。因此本研究期盼藉由研究成果回答三點研究問題:(1) 近十年台南市中西區城市變化中,創意5C的四項資本有何改變?對此區所造成的變化又是什麼? (2)創意5C模型四項資本在台南市中西區城市變化的歷程中如何互動? (3) 在台南市中西區改變的歷程中,隨著時期演進四項資本有什麼消長?

    本研究所得到的初步結論:(1) 不以經濟發展為目的的城市改變策略,才能真正找到屬於城市發展的方向,而形成復甦經濟發展的外溢效果。 (2) 人力資本是城市發展歷程中最主要的關鍵因素,台南市中西區的成功來自建構足以吸引人才的環境,同時藉由資本間的互動形成正向循環。 (3) 在由下而上的城市改變案例中,政府最適切的角色是「放手讓孩子去闖的父母」。
    The tide of researching creative cities blooms after heavily changes of the environment as society and economic structure evolves. Due to these changes, even the city with usually slowest urban renewal pace, Tainan, has altered in its industry structure, spatial planning and atmosphere. Therefore, this thesis generalizes the changing of the Middle-East District of Tainan City for past decade and tries to discover how it happened and how the factors interacted.

    The thesis discusses the evolving of the Middle-East District of Tainan City for the past decade based on the “5Cs of Creativity Index”, which comes from Desmond Hui’s study taking Hong Kong as the researching target. This thesis aims at answering three research questions: (1) In the process of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, what are the changes of 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index”? And what kind of impact do these changes have on this district? (2) In the process of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, what are the interactions among 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index”? (3) In different phases of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, how does the priority of 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index” changes?

    The conclusions of this thesis are as following: (1) Strategies of city development should build on their own history, resource, and territory asset, instead of focusing on the rise of economic immediately. (2) Human capital is the key element to the urban evolution in the Middle-East District of Tainan City. The Middle-East District of Tainan City attracts creative class and arouses positive cycle due to interactions of 4 capitals. (3) This case study demonstrates that in bottom-up urban evolution, the most proper character of government is to build up an environment with sufficient support and without unnecessary constraints.
    Reference: 壹、英文文獻
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