题名: | 併購獨立專家之選擇及併購後綜效之探討 A study on the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction |
作者: | 黃玉雯 |
贡献者: | 林宛瑩 黃玉雯 |
关键词: | 獨立專家 併購綜效 代理成本 Independent experts M&A synergy Agency cost |
日期: | 2011 |
上传时间: | 2012-10-30 14:35:30 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究將我國獨立專家可能發揮之功能分為能夠認證交易係公平且無弊端之「消極認證功能」及能積極預測綜效並為市場排除不具綜效交易之「積極認證功能」,並藉由分析代理成本與獨立專家選擇之關聯性,以及獨立專家自我選擇與併購後綜效之關聯性,實證探討我國獨立專家制度之運作概況及其功能。 研究結果發現,衡量代理成本之公司及交易特性變數中,負債比率較高、外部大股東持股比率較低、機構投資人持股比率較低、併購溢價較高、主併與被併公司相對規模較接近時,公司聘僱高聲譽獨立專家的可能性較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有降低代理成本之消極認證功能之論點。積極認證功能方面,本研究發現,以併購金額市佔率衡量獨立專家聲譽時,高聲譽獨立專家簽發評價報告之併購案,併購後市場佔有率成長幅度較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有積極認證功能之論點,但僅限於市場綜效部分。 This study tests whether the negative certification function and positive certification function are important service performed by independent experts in the M&A transaction. It conducts an empirical investigation of the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction. The result demonstrates that when the debt ratio is high, the percentage of stock owned by institutional owners and external shareholders is low, the premium is high, and the size of acquirer and target is similar, acquirer tends to hire a more prestigious independent expert. It confirms that the negative certification function exists. In addition, we find that when the reputation (measured by market share) of independent experts is high, the market synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. It is because of that the independent experts tend to protect their reputation by choosing their clients rigorously. Therefore, the positive certification function is also confirmed. |
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