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Title: | 聲調在中文口語字彙觸接的時序處理:眼動研究之證據 Temporal processing of lexical tone in lexical access of Chinese spoken characters: an eyetracking study |
Authors: | 許媛媜 Syu, Yuan Jhen |
Contributors: | 蔡介立 Tsai, Jie Li 許媛媜 Syu, Yuan Jhen |
Keywords: | 聲調 眼動 口語辨識 lexical tone eye-tracking spoken character visual world paradigm |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:33:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文主要探討中文聲調在口語字彙觸接過程中所扮演的角色。實驗一藉由眼動實驗中的Visual World Paradigm作業,觀察中文聲調影響口語字彙辨識的時序歷程。受試者在聽到指導語和目標字之後,用滑鼠在螢幕上點選聽到的目標字,例如,螢幕上出現的字包含一個目標字:「摸」、一個競爭字(與目標字只有聲調相同:「挖」或是與目標字只有音段相同:「抹」),以及兩個聲調與音段和目標字完全不同的無關字:「怒」、「菊」。為了觀察目標字、競爭字及無關字在口語字彙處理時的競爭,我們會計算各個字彙的凝視比例。實驗一中由於聲調與目標字相同的競爭字與目標字的第一個音段就開始產生差異,因此未觀察到聲調早期介入的影響。實驗二透過與實驗一相同的實驗程序及方法,操弄目標字和競爭字中聲調和前兩個音段(Cohort)的異同以探測更早期的聲調影響。螢幕呈現包含一個目標字「湯」、一個競爭字(前兩個音段和聲調皆與目標字相同:「胎」,或是只有前兩個音段相同但聲調與目標字不同:「泰」),以及兩個聲調與音段和目標字完全不同的無關字「剖」、「痕」。結果顯示,聲調在語音訊息前兩個音段時就會產生影響,也就是聲調的影響在語音結束前即有作用。再者,本文發現聲調無法單獨且獨立地對於語音辨識產生影響,此看法與聲調表徵需以“toneme” node獨立地存在於the modified TRACE model的看法不盡相同 (Malins & Joanisse, 2010; Ye & Connine, 1999; Zhao, Guo, Zhou, & Shu, 2011)。 The present study aims to examine the role of tonal information during Mandarin Chinese spoken character recognition. Two eye-tracking experiments were conducted with the visual world paradigm, which participants heard a Chinese monosyllabic character and used a mouse to click on the corresponding character in a visual array of 4 characters on the screen. Experiment 1 manipulated the relationship between the spoken target characters and written characters on the screen, including a target (e.g., /mɔ1/‘touch’), a tonal competitor (the tone was the same as target except segment: e.g., /wa1/‘dig’) or a segmental competitor (the segmental structure was the same with the target except tone: e.g., /mɔ3/ ‘wipe’), and two unrelated distractors (the segments and tone were different from target: e.g., /nu4/ ‘anger’, and /tɕy2/ ‘chrysanthemum’). The fixation proportions on target, competitors and the unrelated distractors were computed during the unfolding of the auditory target stimuli. The results showed tonal difference was detected before the end of auditory stream. However, no early involvement of tonal information was found, which may due to the tonal competitor and target shared no segment from the first phoneme. In order to examine the earlier tonal processing, Experiment 2 manipulated two types of cohort competitors sharing the initial two segments with the target (e.g., /tʰɑŋ1/ “soup”), a cohort-tone competitor, e.g., /tʰaj1/ “fetus” (both tone and initial two segments are the same with target) and a cohort-only competitor e.g., /tʰaj4/ “peaceful” (initial two segments is the same with the target but with different tone). Result showed that tone affected spoken character recognition while processing the two initial segments. In addition, tone could not affect spoken character processing independently, which might be inconsistent with the assumption that tone is a separate level of representation, called “toneme” node, in the modified TRACE model (Malins & Joanisse, 2010; Ye & Connine, 1999; Zhao et al., 2011). |
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