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    Title: 台灣企業公司治理特性分析-以航空業為例
    The analysis of corporate governance for Taiwan comany-the case of Airlines industry.
    Authors: 郭富樹
    Kuo, Fu Shu
    Contributors: 林柏生
    Kuo, Fu Shu
    Keywords: 公司治理
    Corporate governance
    Airlines industry
    Continuing operation
    Controlling shareholders
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:22:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要
    公司治理促使公司資訊公開透明化,進而解決資訊不對稱的代理問題,讓投資者更有信心把資金投入市場,有助於健全金融市場。國際上知名的投資機構將推行公司治理列為選股之重點指標,各國政府紛紛鼓勵其國內企業積極推動公司治理以吸引國際投資者。依據2000年6月麥肯錫企管顧問公司(McKinsey & Company)對全球投資人所做的研究報告指出,有四分之一投資人認為一個有良好公司治理的公司可以為該公司的股票創造約20%以上之公司治理之超額溢價。
    After the impact of the Asia 1997 financial crisis ,almost the worldwide government requires the enterprises to emphasize corporate governance.Starting from the end of year 2001,the successive scandle of Enron,WorldCom,Tyco,Merck,and other USA companies leads to the material loss of investors.Because of the reason of careless corporate governance,USA government have passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in July 2002 to enhance the corporate governance of the enterprise and strengthen the capital market.
    According to one research by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000,there are about 25% of global investors who are willing to pay 20% premium money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance.
    Owing to the peak price of oil and the dump of global ecomonic during the year 2008,the airlines must increases the cost of operation and faces the tough challenge of the market. Airlines industry is one of strict industries to the local government in the world, and the competitor have the obstacle to enter into the market. Due to get the target of continuing operation, airlines have to face and predict the miscellaneous risk for controlling and minimizing the loss.
    This paper probes into the problem of corporate governance for the case company. The author presents a case study of domestical airlines and addresses the importance of corporate governance. The results could provide insigts and helpful suggestions to the promotion of the corporate governance for the case company and Taiwan airlines industry.
    Key Words:Corporate governance, Airlines industry, Risk, Continuing operation, Controlling shareholders.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095932227
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    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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