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Title: | 從智慧財產權的觀點看台灣設計公司面臨的問題 Challenges faced by Taiwan design houses: perspectives from intellectual property rights |
Authors: | 葉咨甫 Yeh, Tzu Fu |
Contributors: | 李治安 Lee, Jyh An 葉咨甫 Yeh, Tzu Fu |
Keywords: | 台灣設計公司 設計產業環境 低度智慧財產權 品牌發展模式 整合 Taiwanese design companies design industry environment low degree of intellectual property rights brand development model aggregation |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:20:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「設計」應該是一種創造高附加價值的觀念,不過很可惜的是,在台灣的環境之下,很多的設計業者卻不得不和現實妥協、低頭,放棄當初投入設計的理想和初衷,來從事設計代工或接單(B TO B)等高度競爭的工作,儘管台灣的設計,在國際比賽中,贏得非常多的大獎,擁有很強的設計能力,和受到國際高度的肯定。不過,設計業者在環境的限制之下,仍然沒有辦法利用「設計」來創作高附加價值的作品,或賺取超額的收益及名聲。以拿下美國2009年Gen Art時裝大獎的設計師古又文曾經感慨得說:「我是被台灣這個產業,逼著我一定得出走,因為在這個環境中,如果我想要做我自己,想要做一個有創意,而不是拷貝人家創意的設計師,那幾乎是不可能的 。」
本研究提出「設計品牌經紀商」的概念,希望能夠解決目前設計產業面臨的交易成本過高,以及中小型設計業者面臨「心有餘而力不足」的問題,如果依照智慧財產權整合的概念,這種類似集體管理團體的組織在達到一定的規模後,可以發揮類似保險公司分散風險的經濟模式,同時也具備了提高談判和議價能力,以及達到降低買賣雙方搜尋成本的好處。 Design should be a concept of creating value added. However, in Taiwan, many designers are forced to compromise with the reality, doing high competitive jobs like B to B(business-to-business) instead of following their aspirations. Despite the fact that Taiwanese designers have won many international prizes and that their designing abilities have been highly recognized in the world, they are still unable to use “design” to create high value added works, make profits, and gain popularity out of it. Ku Yu-Wen, the designer who won the 2009 Gen Art Prize in the U.S., once said, “I was forced to leave because of this industry in Taiwan. In this environment, it’s almost impossible to be myself, be a creative designer who doesn’t copy.”
What problems are we facing in Taiwan’s design industry? What role should the IP policy take? In this research, we will go through the concepts of design industry, intellectual property and collective management organizations, discuss the problems and difficulties faced in Taiwan, and work on a possible solution. After a series of data analysis, the research concludes that Taiwan’s design industry are facing three main problems: First, Taiwan’s design industry is composed of small companies, which are constantly competitive, lack capital and resources, and are unable to expand markets oversea or invest in brand management. Second, in Taiwan’s design industry, it’s difficult to transfer the value of innovation into the brand or the trade mark; therefore, customers are often unable to distinguish the genuine products from the couterfeits. Third, the market lacks stable and reliable marketing channels. It’s difficult for designers to make profits from their works and gain sufficient capital to support their following works. To solve these problems, the research proposes the concept of “designer brands broker” in hopes of lowering the transaction cost and helping those willing but unable designers. Like the integration of intellectual property, when reaching a certain scale, this kind of collective management organizations can help to diversification risk like an insurance company. Furthermore, it can help to increase designers’ negotiating ability and decrease the search cost for both the seller and the buyer. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 智慧財產研究所 99361018 100 |
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