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Title: | 亞洲電子高科技設備業的經營環境探索 Business environment of electronic high tech equipment industry in Asia |
Authors: | 黃嘉銘 Huang, Chia Ming |
Contributors: | 譚丹琪 Tan, Dan Chi 黃嘉銘 Huang, Chia Ming |
Keywords: | 電子高科技設備 半導體 面板 太陽能 發光二極體 亞洲經營環境 High Tech Equipment Semiconductor Flat Panel Display Solar LED Asia Business Environment |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:00:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文檢視了包含半導體、面板、發電太陽能、及發光二極體等四種在最近十五年來高科技電子設備產業於日本、韓國、中國、新加坡、馬來西亞、與印度等亞洲國家中發展的情況。文中包含針對不同高科技電子設備產業的高研發成本、高資本密集、涉及國防及國土安全的高敏感性、及以設備搭售服務的商業模式等特性,在面對亞洲國家在文化、制度、及經濟上類似但卻又不完全相同的環境時,跨國高科技電子設備商所採取因應策略的探討。 This thesis reviews the development of four targeted high-tech equipment industries of Semiconductor, Flat Panel Display, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar, and Light Emitting Diode (LED) in Asia countries including Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and India. Business and operational strategies from individual high-tech equipment industries characterized of high R&D cost, high capital investment, trade sensitive requirement, and equipment bundling service business strategy dealing with similar but not identical cultural, institutional, and economic environment of targeted Asia countries were also reviewed. |
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