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Title: | B2C 電子商務商業模式研究–以企業核心競爭力與EC 關鍵成功因素為基礎 B2C E-commerce business model based on enterprise core competence and empirical key successful factors-A case study of successful EC company in Taiwan |
Authors: | 吳俊瑩 Wu, Chun Yin |
Contributors: | 詹文男 Tsan, Victor 吳俊瑩 Wu, Chun Yin |
Keywords: | 商業模式 B2C 電子商務 競爭力 關鍵成功因素 反饋循環電子商務模型 Business Model B2C e-commerce core competence Key Success Factors Cyclic B2C business model with feedback |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:00:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究依據實際的經驗,與學術研究的探討分析整理,建構出一個符合實際 B2C 電子商務企業經營的「反饋循環電子商務模型」。此模型用以提供給電子商 務企業進行策略規劃,計劃執行時的決策依據,由於透過了整合企業核心競爭力 與成功的電子商務企業的關鍵成功因素,因此具備有良好的實際可行性。
模型的關鍵成功因素,係以整理學術界,業界實際經驗所得到的「完整版電 子商務成功因素表」做為基礎。「反饋循環電子商務模型」提供兩種提案評估方 式,第一種是透過「完整版電子商務成功因素表」的權重與分數協助企業進行提 案的評比選擇,第二種則是從核心競爭力與「完整版電子商務成功因素表」關鍵 成功因素契合度而得到的評比選擇。企業選擇的提案,如果能同時符合此兩種選 擇,則可以產生較強的正面績效。
第一種方式的權重配比,則可以透過對企業高層以德菲法方式獲得。最高分 數的提案被執行之後,也可以透過企業本身對於執行結果的檢討,調整權重配 比,進而反饋修正決策與計劃。因此本模型的另外一個特點是具有反饋循環的特 性,因應企業本身的狀況而調整,如此可以讓模型具有更大的彈性以因應經營環 境的快速變化。
然而,B2C 電子商務企業的成長是必須要在不同時間點投入不同的決策才能 獲得突破性的發展,第二種方式使用德菲法將企業核心競爭力與本表的關鍵成功 因素進行契合度的分配之後,也可以獲得單純從企業核心競爭力出發的決策結 果。此決策結果可以與透過權重評分的方式相印證,以確認透過模型所選擇的提案,與企業競爭力是契合的。
本研究透過實際的案例,將 Amazon 與PChome online 分別以歷史轉折點與 專案決策兩個角度來分析,透過大量的實際狀況來證明利用模型也可以得到與這 兩個成功企業的決策者的決策相同或接近的結果。同時在Amazon 分析中,也可 以看出決策者過度違反模型所羅列的電子商務關鍵成功因素時,企業將會暴露於 重大的經營風險之中。 The goal of this research is to build a practically useful B2C e-commerce business model for decision making and project evaluation. The business model we proposed is “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”, this new business model comes with lots of empirical and practical advantages to firms running B2C e-commerce. In this paper, the researcher integrates core competence and key success factors into decision making loop, and use a simple weighting method to calculate each proposal’s score for decision making.
The author use Delphi method to enumerate B2C firm’s core competence as one input of the model. The other input of the model is a complete KSF (Key Success Factors) table which is sifted from previous researches and empirical KSF from success B2C firms. In the model, two simple methods are introduced to evaluate proposals developed by firm’s decision makers. After the evaluation process, we get score of each proposal, then we can choose the proposal with highest score as our final decision.
Those two methods which are used to evaluate proposals are “sum of weighting” and “core competence & KSF matching”. Decision makers can examine top score proposals come from different evaluation methods and find out which can meet the criteria: “getting high scores in both method”, that is the answer.
For KSF matching, a “Complete Success Factors Table” was developed by way of integrating research survey and empirical KSF from success e-commerce business.
Combining this table with the proposed model, two cases, Amazon and PChome online are chosen to prove the accuracy of “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”. After examined historical events and key strategy developed, we claim that the business model we developed in this paper is a practical and useful model for B2C firms. |
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