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Title: | 行動服務品質量表建構 Constructing the measurement scale of mobile service quality |
Authors: | 范雅筑 Fan, Ya Chu |
Contributors: | 管郁君 林勝為 Huang, Eugenia Y. Lin, Sheng Wei 范雅筑 Fan, Ya Chu |
Keywords: | 行動商務 行動服務 服務品質 量表建構 Mobile commerce Mobile service Service quality Instrument development |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 13:59:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網路科技、行動手持裝置的發展,多元的行動服務開始被廣泛開發及應用,為了能提供更好的行動服務,行動服務提供者必須了解使用者對行動服務的認知與想法。此研究希望透過不同行動服務類型的特性,定義行動服務品質(Mobile service quality; M-S-QUAL)之適用範圍,並根據Hinkin所建議之量表建構方法,發展出一份有效衡量行動服務品質之量表(M-S-QUAL),以歸納法自既有的服務品質文獻發展初步的問項。由於行動服務提供有形商品與無形商品的交易與交換,因此,M-S-QUAL也同時包含有形與無形商品行動服務品質量表,初步的M-S-QUAL包含九構面:系統效率(efficiency)、履行性(Fulfillment)、系統可用性(System availability)、隱私性(Privacy)、反應性(Responsiveness)、補償性(Compensation)、聯絡性 (Contact)、內容(Content)、帳務議題(Billing),而有形/ 無形商品行動服務品質量表分別以50/49題問項衡量。此份量表透過問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,並透過探索性因素分析(Exploratory factor analysis; EFA)及驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory factor analysis; CFA)萃取出四構面、15題問項之有形商品行動服務品質量表與五構面、16題問項之無形商品行動服務品質量表,此研究亦針對M-S-QUAL量表進行信、效度檢驗並利用不同校標(感知價值與忠誠意圖)進行迴歸分析以建立校標關聯效度。研究結果顯示本研究所發展的行動服務品質量表具有良好的心理計量特質(psychometric properties)。 With the proliferation of wireless technologies, consumers are increasingly coming into contact with a diverse range of mobile services. Mobile service providers seeking to deliver a superior service must understand how consumers perceive mobile services. Many instruments such as SERVQUAL and E-S-QUAL have been used to measure service quality; however, no general mobile service quality evaluation measure currently exists. Given the many different types of mobile services available, our aim in this study was to ascertain the essential characteristics of mobile services by conceptualizing, constructing, refining and testing a multiple-item scale (M-S-QUAL) for measuring service quality in the mobile environment. According to Hinkin’s guide on the development of scales, items in the scale were generated by following a deductive approach based on a theoretical foundation. The mobile services examined in this study were divided into those for tangible and intangible product transactions. The results show that in intangible and tangible product shopping, M-S-QUAL includes five dimensions (contact, recovery, fulfillment, privacy, and efficiency) and four dimensions (contact, recovery, fulfillment, and efficiency), respectively. These two aspects of M-S-QUAL demonstrate good psychometric properties based on findings from a variety of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability and validity tests. The findings of this study may help mobile service providers assess the quality of their services and assist researchers in developing mobile service quality theories. |
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