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    Title: 新世代藝術祭典-GEISAI的價值創造
    The new concept of art festival - the value creation of GEISAI
    Authors: 呂紹弘
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Keywords: GEISAI
    GEISAI Taiwan
    GEISAI Taiwan
    Takashi Murakami
    Business Model
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 13:59:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: GEISAI自2001年開始,以每年兩次的頻率於日本舉行,至今已逾十年,2009年起原裝移植台灣,於台北市中心華山1914文創園區盛大開辦。GEISAI中文翻譯為「藝祭」,命名取自美術大學學園祭,由日本當代藝術家村上隆所領導的Kaikai Kiki公司所主辦,為一個讓各式各樣的藝術家齊聚一堂一同展覽的藝術活動。它不僅是「挖掘夢想出道藝術家的場所」,同時也是個「像跳蚤市場一樣輕鬆展示買賣藝術作品的場所」和「跟已開創的美術界接軌的新起點」。


    1. GEISAI的核心價值主張十年來皆本著「如何建立東方新型態的藝術市場」的態度去執行,從未改變。台日GEISAI由於國家習慣、資金組成不同,而有相對應的舉行方式。
    2. 活動若能長久經營,必須堅持一核心的價值主張。明確的價值主張除能使活動更為聚焦外,也能持續吸引未被滿足的潛在消費者加入。
    3. 具強烈信任感、合作無間的執行團隊為活動長期經營的要件之一。
    4. 對實質付出大於無形收穫的活動而言,理想的堅持是持續經營的原動力。
    Since 2001, GEISAI has been held bi-annually in Japan for over 10 years. It took place at Huashan1914 Creative Park in Taiwan since 2009.

    The name GEISAI is derived from the Japanese word for "art festival." Such festivals would typically take place within a university or art school. It held by Kaikaikiki Co., Ltd belongs to Takashi Murakami. GEISAI presents a new art-collecting concept, allowing artists to exhibit their own works directly. It is a place where new artists can make their mark, where art work can be easily traded, and where the new and old can connect.

    Nowadays, GEISAI became an important activity of artists every year. The most attractions of GEISAI are "Non-Entry-Requirement" and "All-Star panel of judges". GEISAI provides a place where many artists gather to exhibit their works. It also provides artists and fans a place to meet face-to-face. More importantly, GEISAI provides new artists show-off opportunities and creates many new stars of art.

    The conclusions of this research can be summarized as below:

    1. The core value proposition of GEISAI is based on "how to establish new ear art market" for 10 years. GEISAI&GEISAI Taiwan held in different way due to their national habit and capital composition.
    2. Activity has to insist on its core value for the sustainable development. Specific value can not only focus on the activity but also attract unsatisfied potential customers continually.
    3. A team with strong faith and cooperation is one of the key factors of sustainable development.
    4. As an activity which its tangible devotion is more over than intangible income, the insist of ideal is the motivation of sustainable development.
    第壹章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------1
    第一節 研究動機-----------------------------------------------------------------1
    第二節 研究目的與問題-------------------------------------------------------3
    第三節 研究流程-----------------------------------------------------------------4
    第貳章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------------------------6
    第一節 商業模式-----------------------------------------------------------------6
    壹、 商業模式論述發展---------------------------------------------------6
    貳、 四格商業模式--------------------------------------------------------11
    參、 小結----------------------------------------------------------------------15
    第二節 守門機制---------------------------------------------------------------15
    壹、 守門人/機制發展歷程 ---------------------------------------------16
    貳、 守門人/機制的功能------------------------------------------------16
    參、 守門機制的應用-----------------------------------------------------19
    肆、 競賽分析架構--------------------------------------------------------22
    伍、 小節----------------------------------------------------------------------25
    第三節 村上隆的藝術創業論----------------------------------------------25
    壹、 對藝術家的訓練方式----------------------------------------------29
    貳、 Kaikai kiki公司-------------------------------------------------------30
    參、 商業操作---------------------------------------------------------------32
    第參章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------------------36
    第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------36
    第二節 操作型定義------------------------------------------------------------37
    壹、 顧客價值主張---------------------------------------------------------37
    貳、 關鍵資源---------------------------------------------------------------38
    參、 關鍵流程---------------------------------------------------------------38
    肆、 利潤公式---------------------------------------------------------------40
    第三節 研究設計---------------------------------------------------------------42
    壹、 研究方法---------------------------------------------------------------42
    貳、 個案選擇---------------------------------------------------------------44
    參、 資料蒐集---------------------------------------------------------------44
    第四節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------------------46
    第肆章 個案研究---------------------------------------------------------------48
    第一節 GEISAI------------------------------------------------------------------48
    第二節 GEISAI Taiwan-------------------------------------------------------51
    第伍章 個案分析與研究發現----------------------------------------------68
    第一節 個案分析---------------------------------------------------------------68
    壹、 顧客價值主張--------------------------------------------------------68
    貳、 關鍵資源---------------------------------------------------------------71
    參、 關鍵流程---------------------------------------------------------------76
    肆、 利潤公式---------------------------------------------------------------82
    第二節 研究發現---------------------------------------------------------------86
    第陸章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------98
    第一節 研究結論---------------------------------------------------------------98
    第二節 後續建議--------------------------------------------------------------100
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    5. Carol Matlack(2004),The Vuitton Money Machine,Business Week,網址:http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_12/b3875002.htm
    6. GEISAI.net,網址:http://www.geisai.net/
    7. 丹‧Dan X.,自由繪畫工作者,個人部落格:http://www.nowherelse.net/profile.htm
    8. 再翻一頁:Geisai tw3,網址:www.nowherelse.net/blog_wp/4083
    9. 池中藝週報FB,網址:https://www.facebook.com/ArtReport/posts/231673710234620?comment_id=2178274
    10. 村上隆 象CEO的藝術家,星島環球網,網址:http://www.stnn.cc:82/celeb/200808/t20080801_840257.html
    11. 村上隆在東京Big Sight向台灣藝術家招手,全球華人藝術網,網址: http://artnews.artlib.net.tw/23/125/%E6%9D%91%E4%B8%8A%E9%9A%86%E5%9C%A8%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%ACBig%20Sight%E5%90%91%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E6%8B%9B%E6%89%8B.html
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    1. GEISAI MUESUM#2 活動場刊
    2. GEISAI Taiwan#1 活動特刊
    3. GEISAI Taiwan#2 活動場刊
    4. GEISAI Taiwan#3 活動場刊
    5. 到死都要搞藝術嗎?---東風紀錄片
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099359022
    Data Type: thesis
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