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Title: | 資訊素養在資訊科技概論課程實施成效之研究-以台中市某高中為例 Effectiveness of the information literacy in information technology course - a case study of Taichung one high school |
Authors: | 黃宥喆 Huang, Yu Che |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li Kuei 黃宥喆 Huang, Yu Che |
Keywords: | 資訊素養 資訊科技概論 多媒體教學 Information Literacy Introduction to information technology multimedia teaching |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:45:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討經歷資訊科技概論課程運用多媒體教學後,對其資訊素養能力影響之成效,以台中市某高中二年級學生為研究對象。探討高中職校實施資訊素養相關課程十多年來學生資訊素養能力現況,學生個人背景與資訊素養之關係,運用多媒體教學後學生資訊素養之差異,以及分析學生在經歷課程學習後之成效。
本研究提出之建議包括:(一)建置教師教學平台專區於學校網站;(二)建構友善的學校網路環境;(三)提升教師資訊應用能力。 This study aimed to explore by multimedia teaching at Information Technology course, the influence effectiveness of their information literacy the ability, Taichung City a high school sophomore.
Explore the high schools more than decade to implement information literacy courses the current situation of students information literacy ability, students` personal background and information literacy of the relationship between differences in the use of multimedia teaching students information literacy, as well as the analysis of the effectiveness of the students experienced the course. |
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