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Title: | 創意群聚效應對都市區域再生的影響-以中山雙連創意街區為例 The impact of creative clustering on urban regeneration : the case of ZhongShan-Shuanglian street district |
Authors: | 祁政緯 Chi, Alvin C.W. |
Contributors: | 韓志翔 王國樑 Han, Tzu Shian Wang, Kuo Liang 祁政緯 Chi, Alvin C.W. |
Keywords: | 都市再生 創意街區 地方品牌 創意氛圍 永續發展 Urban Regeneration Creative Clusters Place Branding Creative Milieu Sustainable Development |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:43:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台北市近年萌發了許多從巷弄中由下而上發展的「創意街區」,因為其蓬勃發展而逐漸受到政府重視。本研究以其中發展最為成熟的中山雙連創意街區為研究標的,探討其成功原因,並和國外兩個個案作比較,統整出讓此種創意產業群聚成功的共同要素,進而探討創意街區引導都市區域再生的方法和如何維持永續發展。 研究發現,中山雙連街區內的創意群聚因為其在空間中的密集性和頻繁接觸,加上其他空間環境的幫助,使其產生了創意氛圍。此外,街區的創新特色、歷史文化和街區成員共同推廣的共識,塑造了中山雙連街區的地方品牌。創意氛圍是以培養源源不絕的創意對都市區域文化上的提昇;地方品牌是藉由形成對拜訪者和旅客的拉力形成都市區域經濟上的提昇。因此,文化和經濟的重新活絡,便是都市再生的核心,而創意群聚也已經成功地帶動了中山雙連街區的重新發展。 最後,以「都市與產業共生模型」理出創意產業群聚和街區成員及整個都市空間互動的脈絡;再從街區成員所表達出的深層情感面而衍生出的「永續發展策略三角」。兩個模型,一個是以具體觀察得到的元素,另一個是以情感層面的要素,共同對街區再生機制的永續發展做出驗證和評估。 There are so many creative clusters that are cultivated within streets blocks blossoming these years and catching the public’s eyes. In this research, one most maturely developed cluster is taken as an example, that is, ZhongShan – Shuanglian street district. The cluster is compared with two other foreign cases and some factors that enable their success would be derived. In the end, how creative clusters result in urban regeneration and keep it sustainable development is the final issue of this thesis. It is found that the cluster in ZhongShan – Shuanglian street district produce its creative milieu due to spacial concentration, frequent contact among the members and any other positive assistance from the environment. Also, as a result of its historical culture, consensus of members, and characteristics, the place branding, however, forms. Speaking to creative milieu and place branding, the former promotes regional culture and the latter boosts regional economy, both of which bring about urban regeneration. Anyway, the cluster surely improves the regional redevelopment successfully. What is the last but not the least part of this thesis is this research applies “Industry and City Symbiosis Model” and conducts “Strategy Triangle” to the cluster, in order to figure out some theoretical methods which provide verifications or suggestions for sustainable development of the clusters in street district. |
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