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    Title: 國民小學校長運用網路社群服務與品牌領導關係之研究 —以Facebook為例
    A case study investigating the use of a social networking service for the purpose of leadership branding - using Facebook as an Illustrative example
    Authors: 尹潔茹
    Wan, Kep Ru
    Contributors: 陳木金
    Chen, Mu Jin
    Wan, Kep Ru
    Keywords: 國民小學
    elementary school
    social networking service
    brand leadership
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:33:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長運用網路社群服務與品牌領導之內涵與現況,並探討與預測其關係,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,進行文獻探討,作為研究理論之基礎及發展研究工具之依據;其次,依據教育部編製之一百年度國民小學名錄中抽取25縣市之527位國民小學現任校長,(有效問卷382份),回收情形為預試問卷調查49位國民小學校長,正式問卷382位國民小學校長,以描述統計、獨立樣本T考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、驗證模式分析;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論於建議歸納如下:

    一、國民小學校長在「校長運用Facebook量表」及其向度的現況得分大多屬 於中高程度,且以「人際關係」向度的得分最高。
    二、國民小學校長「品牌領導量表」及其向度的現況得分大多屬於中高程度,且 以「校長實施品牌領導的計劃」向度的得分最高。
    二、國民小學校長背景變項中,學校規模在校長品牌領導得分之差異達顯著水 準。
    一、 整體國民小學校長運用Facebook與品牌領導間呈顯著的正相關,且以 「校長運用Facebook」之「共創價值」向度與「國民小學校長品牌領導」之「學校品牌領導架構與流程」相關程度最高。
    肆、驗證本模式之國民小學校長運用Facebook與國民小學校長品牌領導的互動 模式各項適配度指標

    The main purpose of this research was to investigate the using Facebook for the purpose of Leadership Branding by the Elementary School Principal in Taiwan. The research methods included literature reviews and questionnaire survey.
    First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of research tools. Secondly, the research instrument was distributed to 527 elementary school principals all over Taiwan and there were 382 valid sample sizes which were used in this study. Using descriptive statistics, Cronbach α, t-test, one- way ANOVA, correlation, and LISREL model, data are analyzed. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the literature reviews, and to make up conclusions and recommendations which were summarized as follows:
    A. In the aspect of elementary school principal using Facebook
    1. Facebook includes four parts: Interaction, Brand Image, Relationship, and Creation value. Except for the perception of “Relationship” have significant influences on elementary school principal using Facebook.
    2. The background variables in gender, if to use Facebook, frequency of usage Facebook have significant influences on elementary school principal using Facebook.
    B. In the aspect of Brand Leadership
    1. The brand leadership includes three parts: the structure and process of school brand leadership, recognizing and stating school brand, principals utilize the plans of brand leadership. Except for the perception of “principals utilize the plans of brand leadership” have significant influences on Brand Leadership.
    2. The background variables in size of school have significant influences on
    Brand Leadership.
    C. In the aspect of the relationship in between the Facebook and Leadership Branding by the Elementary School Principal
    1. There was a positive correlation existed among Facebook on dimension of “Creation” and Leadership Branding on dimension of “the structure and process of school brand leadership” by the Elementary School Principal.
    D. In the aspect of relationship among the Facebook and Leadership Branding by the Elementary School Principal
    1. There were positively correlation existed among the Facebook and Leadership Branding by the Elementary School Principal.

    In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers and the principals of elementary school, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of elementary school in the future.
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