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Title: | 從貨幣政策看房價之變動趨勢-以臺北市為例 The change of housing price from the monetary policy |
Authors: | 黎佳貞 Li, Chia Chen |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tsoyu Calvin 黎佳貞 Li, Chia Chen |
Keywords: | 貨幣政策 房價 泰勒法則 共整合關係 Monetary Policy Housing Price Taylor Rule Cointegration |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:31:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在金融市場及經濟環境多變的情況下,貨幣政策之操作亦日漸重要。台灣央行自2000年起,為了刺激經濟發展不斷調降利率,實行寬鬆的貨幣政策;同期間台灣都會區之房地產價格亦開始不斷持續上漲。由於低利率即表房地產投資的低資金成本,也提供了有利的房地產投資環境,因此台灣寬鬆貨幣政策是否導致房價的高漲值得探討。文獻中關於利率與房價的相關研究甚多,然對於利率所隱含的政策意義及功能仍少有著墨,因此本研究利用共整合分析及因果關係檢定,並以Taylor’s Rule作為貨幣政策指標,檢視台灣1991-2010年間的貨幣政策與房價所存在之關係以及其鬆緊程度,俾了解貨幣政策在房地產價格中所扮演的角色。實證結果發現貨幣政策與房價間存在長期均衡之關係,且兩者會相互影響。接著利用Taylor’s Rule為指標發現台灣在2001-2005年之貨幣政策過度寬鬆,雖使得台灣房地產景氣自2003年開始復甦,但持續的低利率政策,則為導致台灣房價不斷攀升之原因。 Taiwan’s Central Bank implemented loose monetary policy through reducing interest rate since 2000 to stimulate economy growth. In the mean time, housing prices rose rapidly since low interest rates encourage housing investment. We therefore hypothesize that the loose monetary policy caused the surge of housing prices. Previous studies have discussed the relationship between interest rates and housing prices, they usually ignored the rationale behind the interest rate. This paper employs the Johnson cointegration test, Granger causality test and Taylor’s Rule as a benchmark to examine the monetary policy from 1991 to 2010 in Taiwan. We found the existence of two-way, long-term relationship between the monetary policy and the housing price. Results also show that there exists excessively loose monetary policy from 2001 to 2005 using Taylor’s Rule as the benchmark. The loose monetary policy caused the housing price to rise from 2003, and the persisting lower interest rates led the surge of housing prices. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 99257020 100 |
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