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    Title: 是誰驅動中關村的發展?全球化下的科技園區與城市發展
    Who Drives the Growth of Zhongguancum? Science Park and Urban Development in China under Globalization
    Authors: 林松甫
    Lin, Sung Fu
    Contributors: 王振寰
    Wang, Jenn Hwan
    Lin, Sung Fu
    Keywords: 中關村
    Beijing’s urban space
    Local Governance
    Land Politics
    China’s High-Tech Industry
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:30:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國做為一個崛起的東亞大國,對於建立自己的高科技產業與自主創新能力的急起直追也經歷了許多轉變的過程,這些演變體現在中央領導的科技政策與區域建設的創新系統上。自1988年的北京市新技術產業開發試驗區以來,從沿海到內陸所設置的大大小小的科技園區,在在說明了中國希望藉由這種模式追求創新集群的效益。然而本研究中的北京中關村做為中國的高科技產業龍頭,其空間發展出現了有別於其他東亞後進國家中科技園區的分散樣貌。這樣的空間樣貌乃基於地方治理結構的特殊性,演化出各個分散在北京市下不同市轄區的園區都被稱為中關村科學園區、都各自建立起華麗而昂貴的辦公大樓、研發中心之現象。
    China has been trying to catch up with the Western world since its economic reform. In the process, China imitated the successful experience of Silicon Valley in the U.S. and trying to establish special science parks to speed up technological upgrading and innovation. Beijing’s Experimental Zone for Developing New- Technology Industries, which later was named Zhongguancun(ZGC), was the first one following this policy and proven to be the most successful one in China. However, the prosperity of ZGC or any other science park in China does come with a price. There is a lot of problems raised referring to the highly growing land price such as the overwhelming high rent has affected smaller innovative enterprises to survive in Beijing.
    The thesis tries to discuss the production of space in Beijing’s ZGC through two theoretical views: The Innovation Theory and The Growth Machine Theory. This thesis argues that there are two different forces which have driven ZGC to its status today. The first is China’s overall goal of economic catching up strategy that gives ZGC the legitimacy to develop and grow with relatively greater freedom from existing regulations. The second is Beijing’s various district governments’ strategy in using the construction of science parks as a site to generate economic development. This thesis argues that China’s tax reformation in 1994 has reinforced the importance of land politics to a higher level, through which the development of real estate sector of ZGC has played an important role for the creation of an innovation cluster. As a result, the local government, together with its land politics, eventually plays the leading role in ZGC’s production of space and makes the best use of ZGC’s shining brand.
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