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    Title: 所在、人在:八八水災原住民災民的所在依附感、災難風險知覺、防災準備行為與心理健康
    We are where we are- relationships between place attachment, risk perception, flood preparedness and mental health
    Authors: 許乃文
    Hsu, Nai Wen
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Hsu, Nai Wen
    Keywords: 八八水災
    88 flood
    place attachment
    risk perception
    flood preparedness
    mental health
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:27:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 八八水災於2009年重創南台灣,遷村易安全地而居成為政府防災風險管理的工作重要任務之一,但政策執行時卻遭遇眾多原住民部落不願離家的抗拒,我們由此現象關注到原住民族群特殊的所在依附感,欲透過所在依附感的角度,探討其與風險知覺、防災準備行為、心理健康及心理症狀間的關係。過去文獻對防災準備行為的影響因子並無一致定論,本研究除檢驗災難風險知覺與防災準備行為的關係外,同時認為所在依附感可能對風險知覺與防災準備行為有所影響。由於關切八八原住民災民於災後的心理反應,我們將所在依附感、災難風險知覺、防災準備行為視為災後心理反應的保護因子,檢驗三保護因子分別對生活滿意度、創傷後壓力疾患症狀、憂鬱症狀的影響。本研究於災後約12-15個月,以563名八八災後回鄉居住原住民倖存者為樣本,使用所在依附量表、水災防災準備行為量表、創傷後壓力診斷量表、中文版流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表、TLSA調查中的生活滿意度指標等量表蒐集資料。結果顯示:1. 防災準備方面:生計依附感能夠顯著正向預測防災準備行為、風險可能性與風險擔心度均負向預測防災準備行為,生計依附感同時在風險知覺與防災準備行為間扮演中介變項角色,宗譜傳承及認同向度依附對防災準備行為無顯著預測力;2. 生活滿意度方面:生計依附感對生活滿意度具顯著正向預測力,但此預測力在同時考量防災準備行為時,則下降至不顯著,兩向度風險知覺、防災準備行為均無法顯著預測生活滿意度;3. PTSD症狀方面:三向度所在依附感、兩向度風險覺知、防災準備行為均無法顯著預測PTSD症狀;4. 憂鬱症狀方面:防災準備行為對憂鬱症狀具顯著負向預測力,三向度所在依附感、兩向度風險知覺均對憂鬱症狀不具顯著預測力。
    The aim of this study is to examine relationships between place attachment, risk perception, flood preparedness, mental health, and psychological symptoms after 88 flood disaster in 2009. In particular, investigation focused on three dimensions of place attachment, viz. genealogical, economic, and identity-related. Contextualized scales for place attachment, risk perception, and flood preparedness were developed. Besides, PDS, CES-D, Life Satisfaction Scale were also used in this study. Validity and reliability of the scales were established. Data were collected 12-15 months after the flood from 537 survived and still living in the same homeland aboriginals. Results show, 1. Flood preparedness: economic place attachment predicts flood preparedness positively; two dimensions of risk perception predict flood preparedness negatively, while economic place attachment plays a role as mediator in flood preparedness. 2. Life satisfaction: economic place attachment slightly predicts life satisfaction positively under no consideration to flood preparedness, whereas overall place attachment, risk perception, and flood preparedness have no influence on life satisfaction. 3. PTSD: Neither place attachment, risk perception, nor flood preparedness is related to PTSD. 4. Depression: flood preparedness shows negative impact on depression symptoms; however, place attachment and risk perception do not.
    Reference: 中文文獻

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