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Title: | 社會互動排名與學習夥伴推薦機制對於激發潛水者之成效評估研究 A study on assessing the effects of social interaction ranking and learning partner recommendation mechanisms on motivating E-learning lurkers |
Authors: | 徐慧芸 Hsu, Hui Yun |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 徐慧芸 Hsu, Hui Yun |
Keywords: | 問題導向學習 社會互動排名 學習夥伴推薦 激勵機制 潛水者 problem-based learning social interaction ranking learning partner recommendation motivation mechanism lurker |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:25:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 潛水是網路社群中的普遍行為,並且潛水者常為網路社群中的多數,通常潛水者從社群中獲取得多,但卻貢獻得少,雖然對於整體社群無害,但對於網路社群的貢獻卻相當有限,無助於整體社群的發展與成長。因此,如何激發潛水者更積極參與互動討論,樂於貢獻一己之力,對於網路社群的發展甚為關鍵。特別是在數位學習環境中,更應該積極發展有效激發潛水者策略,以促進潛水者更積極參與社群互動討論的意願,提昇整體社群合作學習動力。而透過讓潛水者感受到自己參與社群互動的重要,提昇潛水者的社會知覺,是否有助於激發潛水者表現出更積極的互動行為,值得進行深入的探討。 因此,本研究基於提昇潛水者的社會知覺,於問題導向學習環境中發展「社會互動排名」與「學習夥伴推薦」激勵機制,以探究其對於激發潛水者在社群互動之「討論區與訊息區的文章張貼篇數及內容層次」、「四階段問題導向學習閱讀心得寫作成效」,以及學習社群中的「網路密度」、「網路直徑」、「中心度」。除此之外,也探究「外向-內向」、「人際和諧-人際問題」、「信任感-迫害感」等基本人格特質,是否與潛水者被激發與否的成效有關,進而歸納激發潛水者的具體有效策略。 研究結果顯示,具「社會互動排名」與「學習夥伴推薦」激勵機制之問題導向學習平台,對於提昇社群討論互動以及學習成效具有正向顯著效益;激勵機制確實能有效激發潛水者,降低潛水情形,並且實施激勵機制對於凝聚整體學習社群網絡亦具有正向的效用。 Lurking is a common behavior in the network community, and lurkers often take the majority in the network community. They often get more from the community, but give less to it. To the whole community, although it doesn’t do any harm, the contribution they make to the network community is so limited, which can’t help the development and growth of the entire community. Therefore, it is quite crucial for the development of the network community about how to motivate the lurkers to participate in the interactive discussion and contribute to the community actively. Especially in the digital learning environment, it should actively develop the strategies to motivate the lurkers effectively, so as to promote the willingness of the lurkers to participate in the interactive discussion of the community more actively. In this way, it can improve the driving force of the cooperative learning in the community. It deserves deep exploration about whether it can help to motivate the lurkers to present more active behaviors in the interaction by making them feel important to participate in the community interaction and improving their social awareness. Therefore, based on the purpose of improving the social awareness of the lurkers, this study develops the motivation mechanism of “social interaction ranking” and ” learning partner recommendation” in the learning-oriented environment to explore the effects of motivating the lurkers in the community interaction, such as “the number and content levels of the articles posted in the forum and bulletin board”, “writing effects of the four-stage problem-based learning and reading”, as well as the “network density”, “network diameter” and “concentration” in the learning community. Besides, it also discusses whether the basic personality is correlated to the effect of motivating the lurkers, including “introversion-extraversion”, “interpersonal problems- interpersonal harmony”, “sense of persecution- sense of trust”, so as to further summarize the concrete and effective strategies of motivating the lurkers. The study results show the problem-based learning platform with the motivation mechanism of “social interaction ranking” and ” learning partner recommendation” show positive and significant benefits to improve the social discussion interaction and learning effect. Moreover, the motivation mechanism system is proven to motivate the lurkers and reduce the lurking situation effectively, and the practice of the motivation mechanism system has positive effect on the cohesion of the whole learning community. |
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