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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/54562
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    Title: 塑造企業主動積極性以提高企業績效:衡量資訊科技基礎下之協同合作在中小企業扮演的角色
    Shaping proactivity for firm performance: evaluating the role of IT-enabled collaboration in small and medium enterprises
    Authors: 周致遠
    Chou, Chih Yuan
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin Lu
    Chou, Chih Yuan
    Keywords: 企業主動積極性
    IT-enabled collaboration
    SME Performance
    value co-creation
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:21:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,中小企業(SMEs)於經濟中扮演與日俱增的重要性,使得產官學界希望能知道更多如何提升其企業績效的方法。本研究定義企業主動積極性(proactivity)為一關鍵影響因子,可使企業預期改變、想要改變,進而執行改變,以提高企業績效。本研究亦視資訊科技基礎下之協同合作(IT-enabled collaboration)為增加企業主動積極性各面向的可能方法。本研究採用個案研究(case study),對象為臺灣宜蘭縣枕山休閒農業區。研究結果顯示,中小企業確實可透過資訊科技基礎下之協同合作,塑造其企業主動積極性,進而提升企業績效。本研究亦可協助中小企業認識企業主動積極的重要性,並協助其透過資訊科技基礎下的協同合作,增加其主動積極性。
    The emerging importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has led to an increased interest in how to improve performance. In our research framework, we define proactivity as an essential factor that enables a company to anticipate change, to have the desire to make a change, and to implement that change to improve the performance of SMEs. We hypothesize that Information Technology (IT)-enabled collaboration has the potential to help firms achieve all dimensions of proactivity. To verify the research framework, a case study was conducted in the Mt. Pillow Leisure Agricultural Area in Yilan County, located in the northeast of Taiwan. Our research found that SMEs can enhance their performance after developing proactivity through IT platform-based cooperation. The results of this study can assist SMEs in improving their performance by signaling the importance of proactivity and assisting SMEs in improving their proactivity through IT-enabled collaboration.
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