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Title: | 以專利分析之觀點探討LED製程技術對中國LED產業及市場的影響 The impact of LED manufacturing process technology on LED industry and market in China: patent analysis perspective |
Authors: | 洪駿之 Hung, Jackson |
Contributors: | 陳桂恒 Chan, Keith 洪駿之 Hung, Jackson |
Keywords: | 單晶片基板 專利檢索及分析 藍寶石基板 碳化矽基板 矽基板 氮化鎵基板 LED single crystal substrate patent search and analysis sapphire substrate silicon carbonate substrate silicon substrate gallium nitrite substrate |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:19:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在二十一世紀中, LED發光二極體更是備受期待的節能產品。過去背光源一直是LED主要應用項目,而漸漸地照明也開始採用LED產品,甚至各國已宣布將禁用白熾燈。然而,在各國政府及業者大力推廣及投入LED產業之際,目前LED產品尚未能實現市場替代效應之事實卻不容忽視。細究其可能原因,是否LED產品仍有技術功能缺陷,抑或其價格無法競爭,又者消費者對產品認知不足、終端通路尚未成熟、品牌塑造尚待建立等因素,讓消費者暫時裹足不前?
在進行專利檢索之前,本研究將先行剖析現有LED單晶片基板的應有功能、重點特性、4大類基板材料選擇與其最新研發優勢,包含藍寶石、碳化矽、矽、氮化鎵,以助於後續專利檢索及分析結果之觀察思考。本研究的結論與建議將分別針對不同的LED單晶片基板材料選擇,以專利分析結果對照其市場發展近況,向台灣業者提出藍寶石、碳化矽已係過度競爭、不宜進入的項目,並在最後建議台灣業者仍可持續投入研發LED矽、氮化鎵基板材料,以及額外以技術與應用創新增加其產品的市場連結度及應用產業競爭利基。 Nowadays LED has become a future mainstream of highly expected energy-saving product. Back-lighting has been the main application for LED, such as in monitors, and furthermore lighting has grown its market size into significance. However, it should draw attention that LED products has not yet fully replace conventional lighting as expected, due to a number of possible factors, including functions, prices, consumer awareness, channeling, and/or branding.
In light of the fully established LED industry in Taiwan, including the largest downstream packaging supply source, mature middle-stream wafer production and leading upstream epitaxy and substrate manufacturing, this study aims to seek and find the patent searchable and analyzable part of the current LED obstacles in product quality and economic value perspective. As a result, single crystal substrate falls into abovementioned criteria, including four major substrate materials: sapphire, silicon carbonate, silicon, and gallium nitrite. This study further concentrates the patent search and analysis on China, the fastest growing LED market among all regions and the biggest opportunity for Taiwan players.
Before patent search, this study gives a detailed elucidation about four substrate materials on functions, important traits, different types and respective R&D updates and breakthrough, followed by interpretation of and association with patent search and analysis. At the end of this study, conclusions and suggestions are given, based on Taiwan players’ current relative strength and weakness. In sum, sapphire substrates and silicon carbonate substrate have overly competitive patent and market situation, and silicon substrates and gallium nitrite substrate may allow Taiwan players to continue and/or reinforce R&D investment. Additionally, technology and application innovation could increase product-market linkage and competitive edge in LED application industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 智慧財產研究所 99361012 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0993610121 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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