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Title: | 網絡圖教學對高中生英文字彙習得之效益研究:以The Frayer Model為基礎 The effects of graphic organizer instruction on English vocabulary acquisition of senior high school students: Take the Frayer Model as the basis |
Authors: | 吳依婷 Wu, Yi Ting |
Contributors: | 葉潔宇 Yeh, Chieh Yue 吳依婷 Wu, Yi Ting |
Keywords: | 網絡圖 the Frayer Model 字彙習得 記憶保留 graphic organizers the Frayer Model vocabulary acquisition word retention |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:11:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討網絡圖教學對高中生英文字彙習得的影響。網絡圖已廣泛運用於閱讀教學,且the Frayer model之前的研究都專注在學科領域的單字與閱讀教學。然而在以英語為第二外語的環境中,針對使用the Frayer model於網絡圖教學是否能增進學習者字彙習得(vocabulary acquisition)與記憶保留(word retention),其相關研究仍顯不足。因此,本研究採用量化研究方法,以探究「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」對高中生英文字彙習得與記憶保留的影響。 研究對象為台灣北部一所公立高中一年級兩個班的六十九位學生,具有相同英文能力的這兩個班級被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組。在歷時六週的實驗教學中,實驗組與控制組分別接受「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」來學習三十二個主要單字。之後,兩組受試者隨即接受包含所有主要單字的研究者自編測驗,以得知兩組受試者的單字習得情形。一個月後,兩組受試者再次接受相同的單字測驗,以進一步得知單字的記憶保留情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)整體而言,接受「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」的實驗組學生習得大多數的主要單字,但單字保留成效不佳;(2)總括來說,接受「純傳統單字教法」的控制組學生習得並保留大多數的主要單字;(3)在單字習得與記憶保留成效方面,接受「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」的實驗組學生顯著優於接受「純傳統單字教法」的控制組學生;(4)「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」對於高英語學習成就者的單字習得與記憶保留皆有正面影響,但只對低英語學習成就者的單字習得有正面影響;(5)對於高英語學習成就者之單字習得而言,「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」的成效優於「純傳統單字教法」:然而,對於單字記憶保留而言,「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」的成效相同。對於低英語學習成就者之單字習得與記憶保留而言,「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」的成效相同。最後,研究者針對「網絡圖暨傳統單字教法」與「純傳統單字教法」在實際教學上的應用提供建議,以作為教育學者們的參考。 This study intends to explore the effects of graphic organizer instruction on vocabulary acquisition of senior high school students. Though graphic organizers have been widely employed in reading instruction and previous studies on the Frayer model focus on vocabulary and reading in content areas, little research has been conducted on whether graphic organizer instruction utilizing the adapted Frayer model will facilitate learners’ vocabulary acquisition and word retention in an EFL context. Therefore, this present study adopted a quantitative research method to investigate the effectiveness of two different vocabulary instructions, i.e., “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” and “traditional vocabulary instruction only” on senior high school students’ vocabulary acquisition and word retention. Participants of this study were two classes of 69 first year students in a public senior high school in northern Taiwan. With similar English proficiency on General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), the two classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. During the six-week instructional experiment, the experimental and control groups received “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” and “traditional vocabulary instruction only” respectively to learn 32 target words selected in this study. After receiving the last vocabulary instructions, both groups took the immediate post-test, a researcher self-designed test, to assess their acquisition of all the target words. One month after the immediate post-test, both groups received the delayed post-test, which was the same as the immediate post-test, to track their word retention. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) As a whole, learners receiving “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” acquired most of the target words but did not retain them one month after. (2) Overall, learners receiving “traditional vocabulary instruction only” not only acquired the target words but also retained them in a month. (3) In terms of vocabulary acquisition and word retention, learners receiving “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” significantly performed better than those receiving “traditional vocabulary instruction only”. (4) Both “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” and “traditional vocabulary instruction only” promoted high proficiency learners’ vocabulary acquisition and word retention, but were only effective in low proficiency learners’ vocabulary acquisition. (5) High proficiency learners receiving “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” significantly acquired much more target words than those receiving “traditional vocabulary instruction only”, but similarly retained target words as those receiving “traditional vocabulary instruction only”. Low proficiency learners receiving “graphic organizer plus traditional vocabulary instruction” and “traditional vocabulary instruction only” acquired target words as well as retained the words to a similar extent. Pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research were provided at the end of the thesis. |
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