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Title: | 政府支出結構與國家競爭力關係之研究 The study of relationship between government expenditure structure and national competitiveness |
Authors: | 古璧瑩 |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 古璧瑩 |
Keywords: | 政府支出 政府支出結構 國家競爭力 Government Expenditure Government Expenditure Structure National Competitiveness |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:09:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1980年代以來,國家競爭力的概念漸受重視,提升國家競爭力成為各國政府主要的施政目標。雖然國家競爭力因具有一定的重要性而被各界所接受,但時至今日仍缺乏對其共通之定義及衡量方法。本文係以目前最具公信力的衡量機構,即瑞士洛桑國際管理學院 (IMD) 與世界經濟論壇 (WEF) 所做的國家競爭力研究報告加以探討。
本研究以政府活動的內生成長模型為理論基礎,由政府支出面來探討其與國家競爭力的關係及影響國家競爭力的程度。經由具有公信力的國家競爭力評比中,選取具有比較性的國家,研究其支出結構的變動對其競爭力排名是否造成影響。本研究結果,主要發現,一般公共服務及公共秩序支出比重,對國家競爭力的提升有所幫助,但並非具有絕對正向關係;教育支出比重較高,對國家競爭力的提升具有正面效果;保健支出比重及經濟支出比重無法直接影響國家競爭力相關細項指標;政府投入適度的社福支出,對整體社會的穩定有所幫助。並提出可參採建議為,預算支出結構並無各國一體適用的最佳配置,應尋求符合國家整體最大利益的配置方式;參考先進國家預算支出結構,適當調整我國各項職能所占比重;知識經濟時代,宜由增加教育投資,提升國家整體人力素質;今後國家的發展,宜注意各項預算支出對國家競爭力實際可能產生的影響;政府各部門宜重視公共支出如何配合施政目標,以提升政府效率。 Since the 1980s, the concept of national competitiveness has gradually gained attentions, and how to enhance national competitiveness becomes a major goal for the governments. Although this concept has been widely accepted because of its importance, until today there doesn’t have common definitions and measurements against the competitiveness. This paper is produced by exploration of the reports in regards to the competitiveness of countries of the world which were generated by the most credible unions, the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland (IMD) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
This paper researches, with references to endogenous growth theory, the relationships between the government expenditures and country’s competitiveness. Through the credible comparability assessments, this paper selects major countries to research how the expenditure structures influence the national competitiveness. The important conclusion from this research tells that it’s not always positive correlation between the weighting of government’s general public services expenditure and the improvement of country’s competitiveness, though general public services expenditure is helpful for competitiveness. Education expenditure does positively affect the competitiveness. The weighting of health expenditure and economic affairs expenditure can’t affect relevant competitiveness indicators. Appropriate social welfare from government helps for the stabilization of the society. This research suggests there is no best budget structure fits in with all countries, governments need to assess respective budget allocation approach to maximize the interests for the country. Governments can refer to developed countries for their budget structure in relevant areas to adjust own budget allocation. In the era of knowledge centric economy, governments should lift manpower quality by allocation of more resources in education. In view of country’s development in the future, governments should be aware how budget structure can affect country’s competitiveness. All departments of the government should care how public expenditure can support country’s goals in order to enhance government performance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921030 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921030 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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