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    Title: 中國英語新聞頻道CNC World在軟實力發展脈絡下如何選擇新聞框架
    CNC World and China’s Soft Power How CNC World reports major global agenda
    Authors: 曾宜年
    Zeng, Ellen
    Contributors: 朱立
    Chu, Leonard L.
    Zeng, Ellen
    Keywords: 中國
    CNC World
    Soft Power
    English News Channel
    CNC World
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:08:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著中國在國際場域上地位的崛起,一方面為了消弭其他國際強權的防備之心,另一方面在經濟的驅動力之下,中國意識到國際形象的重要,於是近年來「軟實力」開始成為中國政府的重點政策。根據美國學者Joseph S. Nye,軟實力指的是一個國家對於國際公眾的吸引力,這樣的吸引力可能來自於文化資產、政治的意識形態以及形塑國際議題方向的能力。媒體通常在軟實力中扮演著重要的角色,像是CNN、Al Jazeera就分別為美國和阿拉伯國家帶來影響國際輿論的能力。2010年,新華社創立了一個新的國際新聞頻道CNC World,便是因應軟實力的需求而生,期許CNC World能和CNN、BBC、Al Jazeera等國際新聞頻道分庭抗禮,不僅僅有主導國際議題的能力,更能在國際事件中,將所謂的「中國觀點」傳播出去。因此新華社投入了巨額的資金在CNC World上,並且在財務結構上改革,允許49% 的私人投資,藉以昭示CNC World的新聞內容不受中國政府的檢查制度介入,旨在提供國際觀眾「公正」、「客觀」與具有「中國觀點」的國際新聞。

    本論文欲探討,CNC World是否在軟實力的時代脈絡下,在建構新聞事件上真的有所調整。因此本論文比較CNC World和另外一個全然由中國政府出資的國際新聞台CCTV 9,以及國際主流新聞頻道CNN,在七件國際重大議題上的報導架構,去觀察CNC World如何平衡中國政府的偏好和國際觀眾的期待。研究結果發現,CNC World相較另外兩個新聞頻道,在修辭以及題材的選擇上都較為中立,而對於「中國觀點」CNC World也有獨樹一格的闡述方式。但是研究結果也反映,無論是CNC World、CCTV 9 或是CNN 都無法脫離其主要資金提供者那隻「看不見的手」來左右新聞的框架。

    CNC World is an international news channel of China established in July 2010 with a mission of the changing China. Under the current international political context of a rising China, the Chinese government started to emphasize on the development of its soft power. One of the abilities that China wants to obtain is the power to influence the worldwide audience’s conception of the major global agenda and their perception toward certain countries’ images. This is the context in which CNC World is established. The Xinhua News Agency has invested unprecedentedly in CNC World to ensure its success. In addition, to assure CNC World’s news credibility, the financial structure of CNC World is reformed to have a government hands-off editorial board.

    This thesis compares CNC World’s news reporting with CCTV 9 and CNN International, aiming to find out how CNC World adjusts its news coverage on the major global agenda under the soft power context. Seven current global issues are included in the study: South China Sea Dispute between China and Vietnam, US Currency Bill on China, Palestinian Statehood bin in UN, The Fall of Gaddafi, Arab Spring in Egypt, Greece Debt Crisis, and The Killing of Osama bin Laden. The result shows that CNC World tends to use a relatively neutral way to report these issues and it has indeed found a unique way to present the Chinese perspective. However, that the international news represents its funding providers’ positions remains the same.
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