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Title: | 利用WebQuest實施小學網路資源運用與閱讀之研究 An application of WebQuest in network resources and reading of an elementary school |
Authors: | 古靜怡 Guu, Ching Yi |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li Kuei 古靜怡 Guu, Ching Yi |
Keywords: | WebQuest 網路資源 閱讀教學 WebQuest network resources teaching of reading |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:06:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨利用WebQuest實施小學網路資源運用與閱讀之研究,透過「系統化教學設計模式」的使用,針對學習者、課程內容、教學目標與評量方式進行分析規劃,設計教學活動,撰寫學習教材,以「廣達游於藝~藝術頑童‧劉其偉‧探索天地」為教學研究主題,實際進行兩階段教學行動研究,再經回饋、反省、修正教學過程等程序,以嚴謹的態度發展而成。
最後根據研究結論,就教師教學以及對於未來研究提出相關性的建議。 The purpose of the research is to an application of WebQuest to the implementation of the primary network resources and reading through the use of systematic instructional design model "for learners, course content, teaching objectives and evaluation methods to analyze the planning, design teaching activities, writing learning materials Quanta tour at the Arts ~ Art urchin, Max Liu‧ explore the world "theme for teaching and research, practical action research conducted in two phases, via feedback, reflect on and modify teaching process and other procedures, developed in a rigorous manner.
In this study, through an application of the WebQuest primary network resources and reading, students in the learning status of study course conditions, and promote the effectiveness and impact of the implementation of activities, and finally after the use of WebQuest for teaching and student behavioral intentions. Using action research, the students of classes taught by the researcher for the study, the implementation of WebQuest teaching strategies. Through observation, interviews and documents collection, such as the research process, and then supplemented by quantitative data to conduct evidence, the interaction of the data through analysis and discussion. The main research results the following findings:
One, more than the number of students is certainly WebQuest guide the way to enrich their own reading to understand capacity through exploring opportunities for independent study, and the use of the concept diagram drawing of the way, to deepen and broader network to read the information literacy ability therefore to enhance the learning transfer escape and reflection capabilities, and enhanced learning to have self-confidence. From the above analysis to understand an application of WebQuest to the implementation of the primary school network resources and reading teaching strategies helps enhance the performance of the students` reading ability to force solution.
Second, in a study course, through cooperative learning conducted to explore learning courses, team members through the discussion and remind each other to complete the task of learning. The course of the study found that the atmosphere of the head of leadership and group discussion good group, the learning outcomes show are better. Teaching those who follow the established systematic instructional design and integration of "learning how to learn" the ability, makes a good job in teaching before want teaching preparation, and learner-centered instructional design. The above analyzed the solution of the WebQuest the implementation of the primary school network resources and reading teaching strategies fully demonstrated with the use of relevant theory, and significantly enhance the professional growth of teachers, and students` motivation to learn from passive to active.
Use behavioral intention through the WebQuest-curricular activities, learners established under the guidance of the task, displaying self - directed learning. Construct a Web-based teaching environment, teachers and students the opportunity to interact as well as on the talk goodness mechanisms, and use the network to provide multiple communication mechanisms, and features without the constraints of time, to expand the benefits of active learning and the promotion of reading to increase the network to read reading comprehension skills.
Finally, according to research findings, classroom implementation and future research recommendations of relevance. |
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