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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/54389
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    Title: 鞋品零售業運用服務創新改善新產品開發之研究 - 以個案公司為例
    Application on innovative service to improve the new product development in footwear retail industry- a case Study
    Authors: 葉思妤
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Keywords: 服務創新
    Service Innovation
    New Product Development
    Business Process Reengineering
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 10:55:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面臨來自中國、越南廉價鞋品及國外鞋品業者高品牌知名度的威脅,台灣的鞋品零售業者除了在品質上力求精進外,開始逐漸轉型走向OBM(Original Brand Manufacture),企圖尋找相關的策略來因應來自國外的競爭。而在企業經營中,新產品開發的成功代表著獲利來源及取得競爭優勢的要項。鞋品零售產業屬於流行時尚業的一環,面對消費者快速多變、個性化的需求,如何從市場調查中精準的掌握消費者流行喜好及潛在需求,是業者進行鞋品開發時的一大考驗。


    Nowadays, the Taiwanese footwear retail industry is facing two direct challenges: the low price footwear imported by Chinese and Vietnamese competitors, and also the dominant branding and marketing power of American and European leading players. In order to stay in the game, besides continuing improve the quality of footwear, the Taiwanese footwear retailers also starting to engaged with the strategy of OBM(Original Brand Manufacture), hoping to confront with the oversea competitors. On the other hand, a successful New Product Development(NPD) means the potential of gaining revenue and acquiring competition advantages. As one members of the fashion industry, the footwear retail industry also facing the rapid change in consumer demand, how to accurately grasp the needs and potential demand from the market remains a difficult task for all retailers.
    This thesis uses Case Study method. Firstly, the thesis surveyed the business environment of the footwear industry. Secondly, through interviews and field observations, the thesis analyzed the case company, to see how the company accurately grasps the demand of consumers by importing an innovative service system- Footwear E Expert Service System, and examined how this system helps the company to improve the NPD process. The analysis is divided into two aspects. One is the analysis of the traditional NPD model; another part is the analysis of the new NPD model after importing the new innovative service. Then these two models would be compared and discussed. Finally, the thesis analyzed the performance of the case company after the implementation of the system.
    The goal of this thesis is to examine how the case company improves its NPD model by importing the new service system, and hoping to provide a novel concept for the Taiwanese footwear retailers. In addition to NPD, this study also provides an example of enterprise transformation for the retailers from the traditional service model to tailor-made service model, and allows them to understand how to increase the added value and operating performance through the implementation of innovative service.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0993550081
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