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Title: | 失戀男性的網路參與及線上社會支持經驗分析: 以PTT之CATCH板為例 A study for lovelorn men in PTT CATCH: Their footsteps and on-line social support experiences. |
Authors: | 程歆淳 Cheng, Xin Chung |
Contributors: | 方念萱 Fang, Nien Hsuan 程歆淳 Cheng, Xin Chung |
Keywords: | 男性研究 性別研究 線上社會支持 虛擬社群 失戀 Men`s Studies Gender Studies On-line social support Virtual community lovelorn |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:54:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解失戀男性在社會文化導致的傾訴困境裡,如何藉由參與情感 類虛擬社群,與其成員的互動過程重拾自我,逐步踏上復原歷程的寶貴經驗。本 研究將全國最大的 BBS 批踢踢實業坊(PTT)中的 CATCH 板作為觀察對象,首先以參與觀察的文本所得確實呈現感情類看板風貌;並用深度訪談途徑,瞭解 20至35歲、共計8位男性受訪者的網路參與經驗,成果分析如下: CATCH 板的線上社會支持形式可分資訊、情感與社交類型,成員不僅利用看板直接交流(推文),亦可能在較隱微的互動關係(如站內信、MSN)中,逐步積累情感,最後成為對方的現實好友。CATCH 板具備:多元、客觀、專家、媒介特性而利於個人化使用等,利於男性參與之特性;然而,同時亦有:用語過於直接、無法給予當事者後續關心感、缺少女性觀點與物質層面的探討等缺陷。 對於男性而言,其初始參與契機分為三類:情侶分手欲求解惑、單戀無果可望宣洩、瞭解兩性互動的要訣以及自我提昇的技巧。出於對「人肉搜索」的恐懼,男性可能以單純的觀看者作為參與方式,而主動的發文者則是利用多重身份的培養避免身份曝光。最後,男性在參與過程裡所得到的經驗為歸屬感與自我重建、感情觀與個人角色轉化,以及具體的互動或自我提升的策略。 Men are restricted by the social stereotype that men should be strong even if they were broken-heart. This study tried to draw the experience of those lost men who joined the community of relationship, understanding that how can they recover from the lovelorn affairs. I interviewed eight members come from CATCH, the relational board of PTT which is the most popular BBS (bulletin board system) in Taiwan. They are 20-35 year-old men and have different professions. Besides, I also tried to be a true observer of the board to describe the factual environment. The results show that: Being a critical function of relational community “CATCH”, the types of online social support should be “information” “emotion” and “social activity”. The members not only talk to each other directly, but also adopt "invisible" approaches like mail or MSN to make friends with others. The relation between members could be "real" even if they were just Web friends. “CATCH” has many properties including “plurality” “object” and “user-friendly", opened communication environment and many professional person, well-known as their opinion, also empower men to communicate freely. However, the board do have its restriction just like "sharp criticism"、"short concern"、shortage of women`s point of view and material accepts discussion". The initial motivations to be members for those men are: 1. the relation has been finished without causes. Those men are dedicated to finding the answers.2. The end of unrequired love leads men to depression.3. The members want to get the tips of interpersonal relationship and increase self-charming. For fear of “human-powered search”, members could be a potential viewer without posting and speaking; the active one adopts multi-identification to escape from oversee. Through the “CATCH”, men get sense of belongingness to rebuild them from lost. They learn whole new point view of love and shift themselves to a new life. The concrete strategy of interpersonal relation can also increase self-confidence. |
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