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Title: | 飲食敘事與認同建構—以「古早味」之懷舊書寫為例 Culinary narrative and identity construction – An analysis of the writing on Taiwanese retro food |
Authors: | 楊癸齡 Yang, Kuei Ling |
Contributors: | 臧國仁 Tsang, Kuo Jen 楊癸齡 Yang, Kuei Ling |
Keywords: | 古早味 社會建構 敘事 飲食 認同 懷舊 Taiwanese retro food social construction narrative identity food nostalgia |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:54:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 當代與飲食相關的媒介文本十分豐富,「古早味」更可說是其中討論不絕之重要主題,然而專論飲食懷舊現象的傳播研究卻不多,相關研究亦常將「懷舊」現象簡化為失真的歷史想像。 本研究聚焦於古早味書寫文本,認為對過往飲食經驗的懷舊反思具有正面意義,其乃「當代認同建構的過程」,且該建構論觀點也與敘事理論相互呼應。本文因此認為:觀察近年來盛行的古早味媒介文本,應可描繪當代社會的認同形貌。 研究發現,古早味敘事乃透過回憶場景、童年節日時光、直系長輩親人等來營造幸福質樸的懷舊氛圍。而個人身世背景、離散經驗與高度現代化社會下的焦慮皆成為結構性壓力,敘事者得以「親情聯繫」、「飲食意義」為刺點並以繼承尋根方式統合建構認同。 The media texts of “Taiwanese retro food” increase gradually recently. However, there are few communication researches focus on this important phenomenon. Moreover, those researches also simplify nostalgia as “distortive imagination of history” constantly. Therefore, this paper aims to argue that the introspection of the past is the progress of identity construction and is also related to narrative theory. Through analysing contemporary media texts of retro food, we probably may depict the appearance of social identity of the time. Accordingly, the research found that nostalgic aura was cultivated by the narrative of the important scenes, good old times, and close family members. And the narrators tended to construct personal identity through pursuing family love and holding value of retro food. |
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