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    Title: 賴瑞.克萊默《正常心》及《我的命運》中男同志對全景式迫害的抵抗
    Gay Resistance to Panoptic Persecutions in Larry Kramer`s The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me
    Authors: 蔡宜珊
    Tsai, Yi Shan
    Contributors: 姜翠芬
    Jiang, Estelle Tsui Fen
    Tsai, Yi Shan
    Keywords: 賴瑞.克萊默
    Larry Kramer
    gay resistance
    panoptic persecutions
    The Normal Heart
    The Destiny of Me
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 10:53:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 男同志愛滋病患者的心理狀態一直是美國愛滋病研究的邊疆區域。大多數的國家政策多著重於此一族群的身體狀況以及疾病本身的研究。這些政策往往忽略了自我和解對於男同志愛滋病患者來說的重要性,殊不知自我和解是男同志愛滋病患者對抗全景式迫害的重要策略之一。賴瑞克萊默《正常心》及《我的命運》處處顯示對於此一策略以及國家社會對於男同志愛滋病患之迫害的關注。透過主人公奈得從愛滋鬥士到染病再到自我和解的過程,這兩齣戲劇重砲抨擊了國家社會不公,並同時點出受迫害者對抗這些不公不義的必要性。在此之下,傅科對於權力以及抗拒的討論適足為本論文的理論出發點。本論文藉助傅科的觀點來討論國家社會迫害男同志愛滋病患背後的深層因素,並進一步探討這些被迫害者中可能產生的抗拒策略。本論文分成四個部份:除了導論和結論外,第二章著重美國國家社會對於男同志愛滋病患者的歧視及壓迫,以及形成這些迫害的原因,並進一步檢視《正常心》及《我的命運》裡男同志愛滋病患者的困境。第三章討論這些被迫害者不同的反壓迫策略,以及這些策略對於男同志愛滋病患者身心的影響。
    The psychological condition of the HIV-positive is always peripheral to the governmental studies of HIV/AIDS in the United States. Compared with the governmental studies, Larry Kramer`s The Normal Heart (1985) and The Destiny of Me (1992) lay more emphases on the psychological conditions and transformations of the HIV/AIDS patients. These two plays demonstrate the homophobic disciplines and regulations performed against the homosexual HIV-positives in the discourse of HIV/AIDS. In addition, through Ned Weeks`s transformation and resistance, these two plays illuminate on the lesson, self-knowledge, and self-reconciliation that empower the diseased gay men to survive in the crisis of HIV/AIDS. This thesis makes resort to the studies of Michel Foucault, particularly his concepts of anatomo-politics and biopolitics as well as his exegeses of the dynamics between the persecutor and the persecuted. Foucault`s theories are insightful in understanding the underlying homophobia behind the policies in a normalizing society. His studies envision the possibilities of resistance alongside these homophobic panoptic persecutions.
    This thesis is divided into four chapters. The second chapter examines the disciplines and regulations over the diseased homosexuals in The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me. The third chapter focuses on the transformations of Ned from a polemicist to a reconciliationist as well as his resistance to the panoptic persecutions. The concluding chapter reconfirms that the lesson and growth of a gay HIV-positive patient rests on self-reconciliation.
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