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    Title: 凌駕於人性之上的醫療系統:柴絲《哈維》與愛德森《心靈病房》之研究
    Medical Apparatuses above Humanity: A Study of Mary Chase’s Harvey and Margaret Edson’s Wit
    Authors: 蘇巧宜
    Su, Ciao Yi
    Contributors: 姜翠芬
    Jiang, Tsui Fen
    Su, Ciao Yi
    Keywords: 哈維
    Mary Chase
    Margaret Edson
    biomedical ethics
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 10:53:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   在高度醫療化的現代社會當中,醫病關係是一個不容忽視的重要議題。二十世紀的醫療科技突飛猛進,但是病患所接受的醫療品質卻是越來越低劣。醫生過度強調科學與理性,失去對病人的尊重,因而導致醫療系統凌駕於人性之上的情境。《哈維》與《心靈病房》分別描述了病患在醫院所經歷的治療過程。透過這兩齣戲的比較,本文發現二十世紀下半葉的醫療系統對待病患的態度並無改善。透過傅柯與生命倫理學的觀點,本文旨在說明二十世紀醫療系統對人性所造成的迫害,並且探討醫療體系的威權如何被建立以及病患的自主權如何被剝奪。
    In the madicalized society, the doctor-patient relationship is a significant issue because medical science has had tremendous breakthroughs in the twentieth century, yet the quality of hospital care has become worse. Doctors, over-relying on science and rationality, lose respect for their patients, which leads to a situation of medical apparatuses above humanity. Mary Chase’s Harvey and Margaret Edson’s Wit describe patients’ experience in hospital respectively. Through the comparison and contrast of the plays, this thesis cannot see any improvement in doctors’ treatment of patients. Therefore, aiming at demonstrating the dehumanizing evil of medical apparatuses, this thesis elaborates the construction of medical authority from the perspective of Foucault’s analysis of disciplinary power and reflects on the deprival of patients’ autonomy with the approach of biomedical ethics.
    This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One introduces the backgrounds of the authors, literature review of Harvey and Wit and the theoretical frameworks of Foucault and biomedical ethics. Chapter Two, focusing on the rigid disciplinary power of medical apparatuses, illustrates hospital staff’s evil practice on patients. Chapter Three demonstrates the dehumanized patients under the manipulation of medical discipline and unethical treatment. Chapter Four concludes hospital staff’s manipulation of patients and patients’ dilemmas in medical institution and then reiterates the significance of the patient-centered treatment.
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